We must choose between gifts and development: Omen Bassey laughs off John Ntekim's campaign picture - Sirealsilver

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We must choose between gifts and development: Omen Bassey laughs off John Ntekim's campaign picture

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I just read the under stated post and the accompanying picture by my brother, John Ntekim which obviously seeks to mock the campaign of the All Progressives Congress(APC) in Urueoffong/Oruko LGA as giving only biscuits to the electorates. Although the post doesn't clearly tell us the objective of its author, the kind of comments it elicited would clear any doubts in that regard . I thought as enlightened and forward looking Nigerians, he and the commentators would rather promote issues based campaigns among the political parties than attempt to encourage an unhealthy competition on the basis of the amount of gifts extended to the electorates in order to win their support .

No! He can't do that because we've seen heaps of items donated to electorates by the campaign team to which he belongs. He probably wants APC to compete with the PDP on who spends the fattest amount to "buy" the electorates. Or don't we know the items are purchased with cash? I expected people to condemn such a dangerous attempt to amplify and reinforce the already counter productive culture of giving unnecessarily to the electorates during electioneering at the expense of real, sustainable development. As educated people, we must be more interested in what happens after the elections than what happens before it. Need I remind us that election is a means to an end and not an end in itself? Why are we more interested in what the candidates can give the electorates than their promises on the development of the Local Government Area? I'm sure none of the commentators can tell us what the candidates have promised? Shouldn't such promises be the basis of support? Shouldn't that be one of the bases for the measurement of the performance of the one who will win?
One of the things I love about the All Progressives Congress(APC) is its discouragement of money politics. It hasn't been easy dealing with this deeply entrenched monster but the journey of a thousand miles must begin with a step. President Buhari doesn't believe in the deployment of public funds to finance the activities of his political party. That's why our foreign reserves and Sovereign Wealth Fund are doing better today than when oil was selling at over $100 per barrel in the last administration. It is the reason officials of the APC haven't transformed into dollars spending money bags.
I'm sure we know the federal government has more money than the Akwa Ibom State government. If APC believed in the appropriation of public funds to aid its election, I don't think the Akwa Ibom PDP could withstand such a contest. All lovers of Nigeria must encourage this patriotic disposition of the Buhari administration and deplore every attempt to drag us to the ugly past when it was normal to purchase votes with huge amounts of cash. Whether we know it or not, our state and nation are still suffering the consequences of those actions. And if we continue on that path, the suffering will continue ad infinitum.
Sincerely, going through the comments, I realized how far removed from development our country is. The same people who expect development are the ones querying the amount of items donated to the electorates as a precondition for earning their votes. In otherwords, votes should be cast for the highest bidder. My question is, after the candidates compete on who spends the biggest amount on the electorates before the election, can they still bring development commensurate with the resources available to their offices? I DOUBT. Have you seen how we are all responsible for the problem of this nation? The electorates milk the contestants during the campaigns and the successful among them steals without regrets by way of recouping what he spent to purchase victory. And the very people who started and encouraged the stealing turn round to blame him for not turning the society into El Dorado. They will conveniently forget their votes were purchased and the man must recoup what he spent on them and probably repay his debts.
Listen, until a poor but credible and visionary man can win election against a rich and visionless rival in Nigeria, development will continue to elude us. Until people are ready to rather donate to good electoral causes than take from them, we should forget about development. Please find out how elections are conducted and how electorates behave in nations which enjoy development. The wrong process will never lead to the right outcomes. NEVER. In those climes, contestants spend money basically on publicity because they must reach the last voter with their manifesto, programmes and plans. They also spend money on transportation and hotel bills. Respect for voters isn't measured by the quality and quantity of items given them. In fact, it's the other way round. We can't promote a different culture here and expect to compete with the rest of the world. The bulk of the money spent is donated by supporters who believe in the aspirants. And such donations are publicly declared and transparently spent by the campaign organisation. For how long will we remain in the stone age if the younger generation isn't ready for a better society?
One of the commentators even made reference to how he did better in terms of gifts to electorates when he contested a faculty election in school. But he has failed to realize that the once vibrant students activism died the moment goat eating was introduced into it. Today,there's hardly any student who can fund his election on campus. He must run to politicians for help and they end up teleguiding and dictating how he oversees the affairs of the students. Haven't we seen how goat eating has destroyed a once dreaded pressure group called Students' Union? I was even made to understand that they now slaughter and share live cows during NAAKISS elections. What a pity! What a generation!! Can we descend lower than this?
It's worrisome that even the younger generation doesn't know its left from right. Mark my words, as long as the effectiveness of electioneering campaigns are measured by how much candidates spend, particularly on the electorates, we should never expect development. I was told that "You can't eat your cake and have it" but today's young people who are supposedly educated are both advocates of mercantile politics and development at the same time . How can you expect development and service after stripping the winner of all valuables, including dragging him into huge indebtedness in the name of support?
We must choose between expensive campaign gifts and development. It's not possible to enjoy both.
Omen Bassey.

We must choose between gifts and development: Omen Bassey laughs off John Ntekim's campaign picture Reviewed by sirealsilver on November 27, 2017 Rating: 5 I just read the under stated post and the accompanying picture by my brother, John Ntekim which obviously seeks to mock the campaign of t...

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