Opinion: My family was part of the liberation struggle in Southern Africa in
the 70's. I was a child then, but I remember my father and mother sheltering
Rodesians and South Africans. The late Prof Uya and my dad ran a fundraising
programme to highlight the plight of fleeing South Africans. It's why I find
the script playing out in Zimbabwe intriguing , it's a part of my childhood and
a struggle I share.
Now, it's difficult to piece together what is going to become of
Zimbabwe after now, however history gives us a peek at the key actors in the
drama currently playing out.
Now, this is the story you dont't know.

Mugabe the deposed President of Zimbabwe, Constantine Chiwenga
the Head of the Zimbabwean Military and Mnangagwa the sacked Vice President of
Zimbabwe are all friends, very good friends, they are comrades. The three men
were in their 20's when they entered the bushes and took part in the liberation
struggle to free Zimbabwe from white rule. Mugabe who was initially the Sect
General of ZANU PF, became the head of state, the other two men were equally
given plum positions of power and have continued as the 3 musketeers presiding
over the destiny of Zimbabwe for 37 years.

Sometime in the 90's - Mugabe, the first musketeer fell in love
with his personal secretary who happened to be another man's wife at the time,
the lady's name was Grace and she became his mistress. While Mugabe was still
married Grace had children for him. In 1996 they became man and wife after the
death of Mugabe's first spouse.
But Grace was no ordinary mistress turned wife, she was not
ready to take a backseat, she turned herself into Mugabe's political confidant,
she used the bed and made her way to the very centre of Zimbabwean politics
straining the relationship between Mugabe and his two comrades.
Mnangagwa the 2nd musketeer after many years of loyalty became
Mugabe's Vice President in 2014, paving the way for his eventual hold on power
should Mugabe retire, resign or die. But Grace had other ideas she wangled her
way into ZANU PF's politburo and began her move to take out Mnangagwa and take
power from her ailing husband.
In August 2017 Mnangagwa accused certain persons in the party of
trying to poison him and made references to Grace. This didn't go down well
with Mugabe, how could anyone accuse his beautiful harmless Rose flower. What
Mugabe forgot was that boys are allowed to fight but the brotherhood must stay
strong and united. In a move that shocked everyone (but didn't shock his
beloved Grace) , he removed Mnangagwa from the position of Vice President,
Mnangagwa not sure of what Grace will do to him fled to South Africa.
Now, in comes the 3rd musketeer Chiwenga Head of the Zimbabwaean
military, a friend and brother of both Mugabe and Mnangagwa, "this is all
the fault of one woman", he is probably saying in his mind, " we were
one until this woman came. I trust Mnangagwa to takeover, I don't know this
woman; by the way, where was she when we were sleeping in the bushes before the
Chiwenga sends a warning to Mugabe advising him to put his house
in order, the first time he has ever spoken this way to his senior comrade.
Thinking Mugabe will take the signal, call him, negotiate and talk things over
a cup of tea. NO! Mugabe does the exact opposite, he sends his Minister of
Information to tell the Army General to stay out of State matters. Chiwenga at
this point knows his brother and comrade in arms has drunk deep from the strange
woman's bosom, it's not him speaking anymore, so he rolls out his tanks early
this morning. And he's right when he says,"this is not a coup" ; 3
friends have just fallen out over the ambitions of a woman.
Latest reportÅ› say Mnangagwa the 2nd Musketeer is on his way
back from South Africa, The 1st Musketter Mugabe is under house arrest. The 3rd
Musketter is in the saddle promising calm and quick elections. The 3 men have
held Zimbabwe under lock and key for 37yrs, this is nothing but a change of baton.
Zimbabwe needs a real revolution out of the hands of the veterans of the
liberation struggle. Zimbabwe is the Animal Farm in George Orwells celebrated
Meanwhile the woman Grace, who started the whole katakata, I
hear has fled the country leaving her beloved husband who sacrificed everything
for her.
Mama was always right when she always told me, "son - be
careful who you fall in love with and eventually marry".
A lesson to all men.
What we know so far
It started with a warning
On Monday, the Commander of the Zimbabwe National Army‚ General
Constantine Chiwenga‚ has waded into the Zanu PF succession war in response to
the sacking of Emmerson Mnangagwa and purging of senior party members aligned
to him‚ raising fears of a potential coup.
Zanu-PF hit back on Tuesday‚ describing Chiwenga’s warning as
“treasonable conduct”.
Then came the army
A day after issuing the warning‚ Zimbabwean military forces took
part in what was described as a 'training routine'‚ sparking panic in the
country’s capital. Army trucks and tanks were spotted along Chinhoyi Road in
Soldiers stand beside military vehicles just outside Harare,
Zimbabwe November 14,2017.
Image: REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo
Soldiers seized the state broadcaster
Early Wednesday morning the 'drills' took on a more serious tone
as soldiers were deployed across Harare and overran the headquarters of the
ZBC, Zimbabwe's state broadcaster and a principal Mugabe mouthpiece, and
ordered staff to leave.
The military later sent out a statement assuring the nation it
was not a military takeover and that President Robert Mugabe and his family was
"We are only targeting criminals around him who are
committing crimes that are causing social and economic suffering in the country
in order to bring them to justice. As soon as we have accomplished our mission
we expect that the situation will return to normalcy."
Ministers arrested
Several sources told TimesLIVE that the military had arrested
the leading figures of the so-called G40 faction in the ruling Zanu-PF‚ led by
First Lady Grace Mugabe.
Sources said those arrested included higher education minister
Jonathan Moyo‚ local government minister Saviour Kasukuwere and finance
minister Ignatius Chombo.
Is it a coup?
While the military denies it is a coup, a number of experts and
politicians have gone as far as labelling it as such.
Zimbabwean academic Alex Magaisa‚ who acted as political advisor
to former prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai‚ said: “It’s a coup in all but name.
You can describe a frog by many terms but it remains a frog. This is a coup.
“The military has taken over and they are only doing so in order
to be able to sell the current political arrangement to the various sectors
within the region. They know that a coup will not be accepted in the region.
They know that it is very difficult to sell‚ so they are trying to dress this
in a manner that looks decent‚ but it is a coup.”
Austin Moyo‚ the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Shadow
Ambassador to South Africa, said that "all indications are that we are
going towards a military rule. Those are the indications at this stage”.
LIVE | Mugabe 'fine' but confined as military seize control in
Follow our live blog to find out the latest about the developments in Zimbabwe.
NEWS 5 hours ago
Zuma has called for 'calm'
President Jacob Zuma‚ on behalf of the Southern African
Development Community‚ has "noted with great concern" the unfolding
political situation in neighbouring Zimbabwe.
Calling for restraint and calm‚ Zuma "expressed hope that
developments in Zimbabwe would not lead to unconstitutional changes of
Government as that would be contrary to both SADC and African Union
He is also sending Minister of State Security, Adv Bongani Bongo
to Zimbabwe to meet with President Robert Mugabe and the Zimbabwean Defence
Mugabe 'fine' but confined
President Jacob Zuma said he spoke to President Robert Mugabe
earlier today who indicated that he was confined to his home but said that he
was fine.
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