Payment of Tithes is a Personal Faith Practice - Omen Bassey - Sirealsilver

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Payment of Tithes is a Personal Faith Practice - Omen Bassey

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There has been increased interest in kingdom matters by those who may or may not belong to the fold. Of all the subjects on social media in recent times, tithing is fast becoming the most discussed and analysed.

Much as I don't want to join the unnecessary debate, I feel compelled to make my stand known on the raging but absolutely needless controversy.
First, matters of faith, worship and doctrines are personal. If some persons embrace and indulge in certain practices, that shouldn't be anybody's concern or headache provided such do not abridge the right of others or pose any threat to law and order.
To the best of my knowledge, everything about the Christian faith is voluntary. Pastors may occasionally emphasize certain subjects if they feel necessary or led to do so. But I'm yet to be informed that any Pastor shut the doors of the Church against members who didn't pay tithe or demand for the details of members' financial transactions to ascertain the correctness of their tithes.
Tithing was first commanded and practiced in the Old Testament.Many of the promises and covenant privileges we enjoy as believers are in the Old Testament. Incidentally, tithe is mentioned in the New Testament too. None of the "No tithes" advocates has shown me where God ordered the discontinuance of tithing in either the Old or New Testament.
I have been a Christian, and in fact a Church boy almost all my life. I started from my family Church, Methodist Church Nigeria, Okossi where my father was a steward. I was under the tutelage of Hon. Bassey Bassey Anduang, Late Mr Esu Emene, Late Bishop Otohotoho and other men of faith. I was baptized by the Very Rev.(Later Bishop) Edunam, father of Chief Dr. E. E. B. Edunam at Methodist Church, Oyoku Assang in the present Okobo Local Government Area in the 80s as a primary school pupil.
I was the first to embrace pentecostalism in my family. That, I did as a young boy in Junior Secondary School when some missionaries brought Africa Bible Church(Later Bible Church of Nigeria) to Oyubia where my mum was a teacher. The Church held its services in Central School, Oyubia. My Pastor was Rev. Henshaw Edumoh and that was when I knew Rev. Robert Uloh(Even though I was too young for him to have noticed me).
The gospel was sweet, pure and neither the Church nor the Pastor was materially wealthy. I learnt a lot about God and how to walk with Him.
Now, the point I'm trying to make here is that both my family Church, Methodist and that seemingly "poor" Pentecostal Church which couldn't afford to hold service outside open primary school classrooms received tithes from members. So, why are we talking as if tithe was recently invented by some crooked modern day Pentecostal Pastors?
That a Pastor is wealthy doesn't mean his wealth was sponsored by the tithes of Church members just as the poverty of a Pastor doesn't mean his ministry doesn't receive tithes.
Furthermore, Church members aren't impoverished by tithes.If they were, it won't take your advocacy for such awareness to dawn on them.
Please, let's leave matters of the kingdom to its members. If you are a member of the kingdom who for whatever reason doesn't believe in tithing, it's within your right to do so and forfeit the benefits as stated in MALACHI 3:10-12. To embark on a campaign against other peoples harmless faith practices is uncharitable and provocative, to say the least.
This campaign would have been justified if tithes were collected at gun point or under any form of duress. If Tithers aren't complaining, why should Non-Tithers become this worried and concerned? When did we become this caring?
While you are condemning 10% tithe as stipulated in scriptures and rightly taught by Pastors, some believers are voluntarily paying between 20 and 90% without going broke. It's a matter of faith( Man and his God)please. Each person knows certain things about Himself and his God which may motivate him/her into certain seemingly unreasonable actions. If you ask, he may tell you.
I pay tithes for several reasons. The most important of them is that if God didn't give me, I won't have. And my life hasn't grown worse because of tithing.
I haven't seen anywhere in the Bible where God either condemned or abrogated the practice of payment of tithes.
In MATTHEW 23:23 and LUKE 11:42 which some commentators use as the basis of their argument against tithing, our Lord Jesus Christ never condemned tithing. My little understanding of basic English tells me that he was condemning a situation where the people neglected other important aspects of the covenant to focus mainly on payment of tithes.
If there are Churches which preach tithing more than other matters of the Christian faith, my own Church isn't part of it.
Please I prefer to be wrong trying to please God than to be wrong trying to serve myself. I will continue to tithe until someone shows me where God condemns tithing in scriptures.
If you don't see the need to tithe, please enjoy your money without trying to portray some of us as foolish and gullible. Please, we still think and reason.
When Pastors were poor, you mocked them and now that God has blessed some of them, you accuse them of being responsible for the poverty of the whole world. What do you really want?
What percentage of the society attends Church? And what percentage of those who go to Church pays tithe? Are those who don't pay tithe automatically wealthy?
Omen Bassey.

Payment of Tithes is a Personal Faith Practice - Omen Bassey Reviewed by sirealsilver on November 09, 2017 Rating: 5 There has been increased interest in kingdom matters by those who may or may not belong to the fold. Of all the subjects on social media ...

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