Genesis 2:18 KJV
"And the Lord God said, It is not good that
the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him".
the foundation of a fruitful marriage can be traced to the kind of
relationships people had while they were single, and while they are single.
People must learn and understand the power and wisdom of profitable and
fruitful relationships. The first time God made mention of relationship in the
Bible, was for the sake and purpose of help. So, a relationship that is not
helping you is not a fruitful relationship. There are a few areas a
relationship must help you, and they are as follows:
i) . A Relationship must help your relationship with God:
If your relationship with God is not improving in the course of your
relationship with a person, then it is not a fruitful relationship.
Relationships are not meant to take you away from God, but closer to God.
ii). A relationship should improve your character:
Proverbs 13:20 says walking with the wise should make you wise, but keeping
company with fools will lead to your destruction. And you know a fool by their
stand with God, or by their fear of God.
iii). Relationship should increase you:
Both quantitatively and qualitatively; a relationship should complement you,
augment you and amplify your strengths. Fruitful relationships don't bring out
the worst of you, they rather call out your potentials; thus, making you a
better person.
Receive grace and wisdom to relate wisely in Jesus Name.
i. Take stock of all the relationships you currently have and weed away all
those ones that are not fruitful.
ii. Invest help into relationships you currently have as well so it can be
reciprocated to you by God.
iii. Ask the Lord to link you up with one or two persons that will really bring
out the best of you. Ask for destiny friendships.
-Lord I receive the grace to cut off associations that do not favour me as
listed today in Jesus Name.
-Lord bless me with the gift of a few good destiny friends in Jesus Name.
If your relationship with God is not improving in the course of your
relationship with a person, then it is not a fruitful relationship.
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