Daily Success! Breaking the Yoke of Stagnation and Fruitlessness - Ezekiel Atang - Sirealsilver

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Daily Success! Breaking the Yoke of Stagnation and Fruitlessness - Ezekiel Atang

Psalm 126:1,6 KJV
"When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him".

Stagnation is a situation where one finds that their lives have not made any form of progress whatsoever in a very long time. It is a situation where you feel tied down to one spot and one set of experiences. It is best seen as a captive situation, where you may have been tied down one way or the other.

Our text reveals how to break free from such holding patterns. It is your seed and your tears; your tears representing your prayer and pain. When you combine seed, pain and prayer, the result will be movement or progress of some kind. Whenever seeds are released, movements take place in the realm of the spirit. A law is enacted and a provocation takes place that forces difficult situations to cave in. Your seed contains your posterity or future, it also contains your harvest or prosperity. Your seed breaks and or suspends any law currently at work in your life and affairs.

The reason why many people do not see this result in their lives is the lack of consistency. A man doesn't stop planting seeds in his wife because it didn't work the first time, no. He keeps at it until he sees the evidence. You must believe in seed time and harvest to keep sowing, you must be amongst the few that will not relent until they see changes. In the morning sow your seed and in the evening, hold not back, because you don't know which one will produce, or if they all will do well alike. Ecclesiastes 11:1-6. Also Make sure your seed is a precious one and it will deliver treasures to you in Jesus Name.
i. Look for any area of your life suffering stagnation and apply this principle against it.
ii. Be committed and consistent with the practice till you feel confident that you have broken through.

-Lord I thank you for today's word in Jesus Name.
-I break free from all situation and cases of stagnation in my life in Jesus Name.
-Lord please honour my seeds and sacrifices as I engage them in Jesus Name.
-Father reveal other things I need to do in order to break free from stagnation in Jesus Name.

When you combine seed, pain and prayer, the result will be movement or progress of some kind.

Daily Success! Breaking the Yoke of Stagnation and Fruitlessness - Ezekiel Atang Reviewed by sirealsilver on November 15, 2017 Rating: 5 Psalm 126:1,6 KJV "When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. He that goeth forth and wee...

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