Daily Success! Be Merciful - P. Ezekiel Atang - Sirealsilver

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Daily Success! Be Merciful - P. Ezekiel Atang

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Matthew‬ ‭5:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬‬‬‬‬
“Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.”

One of the reasons why God is called Love is for His mercies. If God was to be described as a dealer in something, it would be in mercy. The Bible says He is rich in mercy, and somewhere else it says He is plenteous in mercy. Jeremiah said His mercies are new every morning. Which means that He has a new mercy for each new day. His mercies have a 24hrs expiry date with a prompt and immediate replacement. So, if you have lived for thirty years, then you have enjoyed 365x30 dozes of God's mercy.

If we call ourselves His children; created in His image, then we must be mercy dealers as well. A lion must give birth to a lion, and so a merciful God must give birth to a merciful child as well. To be merciful is to be full of mercy. It is to treat people in a way they do not deserve; especially when a person deserves punishment or even death, yet the person is treated as though the never stole a pin.
Why must we show mercy? Because we too will need mercy someday, sometime. In God's plan, only the merciful obtain mercy. It is only pride that would make you think that you will never need mercy yourself someday. Because you too will desire to be treated less than you deserve; especially when you do a wrong. 

I will need God to parade me like someone that never did wrong; I will need Him to bless me as though I never made a mistake in my life. When you look at the things God does for you and wonder what you did to deserve them, then you will realize that you are indeed a candidate of His mercy.
Receive grace to be merciful today in Jesus Name.

i. Ask God to teach you to treat others the way He treats you.
ii. Ask God to shed His love in your heart.
iii. Ask that the mercy of God will never diminish in your life in Jesus Name.

To be merciful is to be full of mercy; It is to treat people in a way they do not deserve; especially when a person deserves punishment or even death.
Daily Success! Be Merciful - P. Ezekiel Atang Reviewed by sirealsilver on November 02, 2017 Rating: 5   Matthew‬ ‭5:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬‬‬‬‬ “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” One of the reasons why God is called Love...

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