Akwa Ibom State LGA elections; The role of youths in ensuring credible election - Ezekiel Ibok - Sirealsilver

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Akwa Ibom State LGA elections; The role of youths in ensuring credible election - Ezekiel Ibok

The Local Governments election has so far been replete with desperation, inordinate ambitions, threats, non-issues based campaigns (campaign of calumny), malicious manipulation of the parties primaries, media blackmail among competing candidates and their political parties and violent skirmishes. Even though we have 5 major parties seeking to occupy the throne in the different LGAs in Akwa Ibom State which makes the winner a semi-god, it is evident even to the most careless observer of happenings in Akwa Ibom State that the race is narrowed down between the incumbent People Democratic Party (PDP) and the opposition All Progressive Congress (APC) as the main contenders.

Without doubt this LGAs election is turning out to be the most contentious in the anal of our history, to the extent of threatening the corporate existence of Akwa Ibom State (Abak, Etim Ekpo, Udung Uko, Mbo, Urue Offong/Oruko and Eket in Context). The People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has been at the helms of affairs in Akwa Ibom State for the past sixteen years without interruption, largely due to lack of a formidable and widespread opposition. With the merger of erstwhile the Parties to have APC, the PDP seems to be losing sleep.
Since the release of the elections time-table by the Akwa ibom State Independent Electoral Commission (AKISEIC), the polity has witnessed both overt and covert politicking, even before the ban on campaigns was lifted. With an opposition that can match the ruling party strength to strength, the stakes are higher and the anxiety is deeper; this is evident with the in-road the opposition has made into areas once believed to be "no-go area" and pulling mammoth unprecedented support.
The political clash between the two goliaths has gone further to exacerbate the heating up of our volatile polity; as is being evident in the beating of war drums by self-conceited ethno-regional chauvinistic entrepreneurs, religious bigots and political warriors. This has been fanned by smear and device campaigns across the political divide targeting to hoodwink unsuspecting and narrow-minded members of the citizenry, especially the youths.
The vulnerability and volatile nature of our youths have exposed them to manipulations of the political class using money to entice them or cheap ethno-religious primordial sentiments to instigate them into political violence. This was witnessed in the aftermath of the 2015 Governorship election, a situation whereby the youth perpetrated heinous atrocities all in the name of expressing their displeasure at the outcome of the elections. This must not be allowed to recur again, during and after the LGAs election come 2/12/2017. As stated earlier, the youths are central to the emergence of any elected office-holders. This is to say that, youths posses enormous power in determining who leads us; we have the power of choice and decision either to participate constructively or destructively.

Also, voter’s education should be carried out by youths groups in collaboration with other key stakeholders in educating not just their peers but the older voters on their rights and responsibilities during elections. God Bless Barr. Omen Bassey and Brother Zion Imoh for their efforts. 
Furthermore, we should "not" violently support our favored candidates diplomatically through manifesto selling; focus on issues, track-records and character of the candidates. Omen Bassey( 2017)" personal views"

During the elections, our youth must understand the powers embedded in their votes and reject any enticement to sell it or engage in political apathy by not coming out to cast our votes or vote base on cheap sentiments. Armed with permanent voters card (PVC), all eligible Youths should peacefully come out and vote their choice of candidates, who are represented on the ballot papers by the logo of political parties. Not Chairman that will chair only our money....
We must also be vigilant during the electoral process by serving as independent observers to monitor and serve as whistle-blowers in the case of any irregularity or threat of violence during the voting and counting process.After the elections, disagreements is a common occurrence during an election. Especially, when results are released, it brings about, a lots of tension and uncertainties. At this point, the youth are expected to allow the law and relevant agencies and institutions to handle if any fall-out of the elections. That is why the constitution (Electoral Act) established special electoral tribunals to handle such fall-outs.
According to My Brother, Zion Umoh during his 60 minutes Live Broadcast on Radio, We should note that the effective participation of the Youths in ensuring credible elections is hindered by a number of both circumstantial and man-made factors which include but not limited to: poverty, unemployment, ignorance, monetization of politics, cheap primordial sentiments, presence or threat of violence and lack of confidence in the electoral umpire. e.t.c.
Until the fore mentioned are checked or mitigated the youths will continue to play negative and destructive roles in our electoral processes.The youths should realize that their vote is their right, and their right is their might. They can use their vote to determine their present and future, which can be attained only through credible and peaceful elections. We as youths must take our destiny into our hand, not violently, but through effective civil engagement in standing united in voting only credible and competent candidates, even in the face of intimidation, bribery, electoral fraud, cheap and primordial sentiments.
The role of the youths should not stop at the end of the electoral and leadership-selection processes but should extend to in holding these leaders accountable for the promises they made before /during the elections.
God Bless; 

Akwa Ibom State, 
 Oro Nation,
Urue Offong/Oruko, 
Good Omen2019,
My Brother is my Brother.

Ezekiel Ibok, Writing from Ukuko2, Urue Offong /Oruko, 07051228519.

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Akwa Ibom State LGA elections; The role of youths in ensuring credible election - Ezekiel Ibok Reviewed by sirealsilver on November 28, 2017 Rating: 5 The Local Governments election has so far been replete with desperation, inordinate ambitions, threats, non-issues based campaig...

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