Akwa Ibom State and her Relegated School System - Sirealsilver

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Akwa Ibom State and her Relegated School System

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While we keep criticizing and insulting President Buhari,our siblings and children are studying on bare floor like ants.

Don't we know whose responsibility it is to provide something as basic as desks for these children? Are we pretending it's easy and healthy to learn in this posture? Or is our state actually too poor to provide desks for these innocent children?
Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting
I'm sure our people who first embraced western education under the colonialists when there was no oil money at least enjoyed the dignity of sitting on desks to learn. Why should children born in the 21st Century when their contemporaries in other nations learn with computers sit on dirty, rough floor in the name of classrooms?
The policy thrust of the present administration in Akwa Ibom State is industrialization.
To the best of my knowledge, real industrialization has its foundation in sound education. A government which cannot prioritize education shouldn't talk about industrialization as if it's just an event. I believe a proper 21st Century education of global standards will likely result in industrialization. We won't get it right if we keep putting the cart before the horse. Industrialization is far beyond sloganeering. A genuine drive for industrialization must first take into account the manpower needs of the envisaged industries even far into the future. This is where the school system comes in.
Perhaps,the poor state of infrastructure and amenities in our public schools will pale into complete insignificance if compared with the quality of manpower available to train our kids. It's trite that an illiterate or semi literate cannot impart academic knowledge and skills.
Please let's first things be done first. We can't do the right thing at the wrong time and get the right result. I don't know of any industrialized society with a poor school system. Just as societies with sound educational systems are generally prosperous.Learning under a decent, organized and dignified environment can't produce the same outcome as doing same under filthy, disorganised and squalid environment.
As frightening as the results of the Teachers' Competency Test administered by the Kaduna State Government seems, I personally endorse that audacious move by Governor El- Rufai because it will rid the state's education system of misfits. If that government musters the political will to weild the big stick with the support of stakeholders, the result can only be imagined. This is leadership with the right sense of priority.
How can a miserable 11, 220 out of 33, 000 teachers score 75% and above in a primary four test? Is this not scandalous?
Akwa Ibom State may not be as bad as Kaduna but I earnestly doubt if it is considerably better because I have interacted with some of our contemporary teachers. They are definitely not the calibre that taught some of us.
As a primary school pupil, I sat on decent desks under competent and dedicated teachers.
Can these children who crawl on bare floor like animals to learn under untrained teachers grow to supply the needed manpower for the industrialized Akwa Ibom State? Or like the Ibom Specialist Hospital, are we importing the bulk of manpower overseas?
Akwa Ibom State is too blessed for her future to crawl like ants on bare floor in the name of learning. In sane societies, other needs queue behind education and health.
Omen Bassey.

Akwa Ibom State and her Relegated School System Reviewed by sirealsilver on November 09, 2017 Rating: 5 While we keep criticizing and insulting President Buhari,our siblings and children are studying on bare floor like ants.

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