Morning Devotional With Dr Paul Enenche - Sirealsilver

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Morning Devotional With Dr Paul Enenche

SCRIPTURE: And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him… Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel. Zechariah 3:1-3

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: It is not the quality of the physical dress on your body but the purity of your spiritual garment that matters most in life.

Our anchor scripture tells us about Joshua, the High Priest; a minister who was spiritually clothed in filthy garments before the Angel but appeared clothed with a dignifying attire of a High Priest in the physical. So, there are people who are clothed in royal apparel in the physical like, King Solomon, but look like vultures in the spirit; wearing stinky, smelly garments stained with all manner of filth in the realm of the spirit.

Beloved, it is how we look in the spirit that matters most in life. The truth is: knowing and doing what matters most in life guarantees our escape from calamities both in time and in eternity.

So, in continuation of what matters most in life, today, we are looking at;

1. The purity of Spiritual Garment: It is not the quality of the physical dress on your body but the purity of your spiritual garment that matters in life.

2. Where you are going to spend eternity: It is not where you are going to spend your next holidays but where you are going to spend eternity that matters most. Some people are so desperate to spend their holidays abroad; they are saving money for a trip to Europe, Dubai, etc. That is alright but where you are going to spend eternity is what matters most in life.

3. The intensity of the right passion: It is not what you drive but what drives you that matters most in life. Your passion determines your portion in life and in eternity.

Beloved, if you do not want to end in regrets both in time and in eternity, be committed to what matters most in life.

Remember this: It is not the quality of the physical dress on your body but the purity of your spiritual garment that matters most in life.

1. Invest in your spiritual life; feed your spirit with the Word of God and do all you can to maintain the atmosphere of God’s Presence. 
2. Live with the consciousness of eternity.

PRAYER: O LORD, I surrender all to You. Give me the grace to keep my spiritual garment holy, LORD, in Jesus’ Name.

DAILY READING: 2 Chronicles 32:1 to 33:13, Romans 15:23 to 16:9, Psalm 25:16 to 22, Proverbs 20:16 to 18

QUOTE: When you have chosen the life of sin, you have sacrificed the Presence of God. Culled from WHO ARE YOU? By Dr Paul Enenche.

AMAZING FACT: A day on Venus is longer than a year

TODAY IN HISTORY: 02/08/1790 – The first United States Census is conducted.

Morning Devotional With Dr Paul Enenche Reviewed by sirealsilver on August 02, 2017 Rating: 5 SCRIPTURE: And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to res...

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