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There's no gainsaying the fact that the present administration in the state is clueless, rudderless, inept and has failed dismally to deliver dividends of democracy to the people of the state and it appears the governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel,is running out of ideas on how to redeem himself and his party . Evidently, the man was not prepared for the onerous task of governing the state.

There's no doubting the fact that an average indigene of the state is politically sophisticated, highly intelligent and sagacious. They don't suffer fools gladly and they call a spade by its name without minding whose ox is gored. All these attributes have always come to play during political discourse and whenever the need to make informed political decisions arises. The present administration in the state has been thoroughly analysed by informed minds in the state and there's a consensus that it's failed and has got be replaced at the 2019 polls.

There's what is called the audacity of lies. It's refers to a situation where lies are being propagated fearlessly and consistently. That's what the present government has been practicing in the state. So many barefaced lies have been dished out to the public by agents and minders of the government and we've been exposing their lies and evil intentions.

The claim of the government that it has constructed over 700km of roads in the state is a blatant lie. We had cause to commission some experts to go round all the state government project sites with a view to verifying the claims by the government and it can be stated without any fear of contradiction that total kms of roads done by this government is 179km. It's sad, unfortunate and regrettable that the more this lie is being exposed the more it's being advertised by agents of the state government.

Where are the locations and sites of the 17 bridges built by this government. ?.I dare say that there's no such site anywhere in the state. It's easily verifiable by any concerned person. Maybe they exist in the moon but not on this planet earth.

Where's the second runway of the airport built by this administration?.We expect agents of the state government to show the public the site of such phoney project. But we've investigated it and it can be stated that there's no such project at the Ibom Airport. I stand to be corrected.

The much hyped industrialization of state by this government is a ruse, a scam calculated to confound the people of the state. What agents and media goons of the government parade as credentials of the industrialization moves of the government are, to say the least, a mockery of the concept of industrialization. The so-called Pencil and Toothpick company is owned and operated by a private individual. The government doesn't hold any share in the organisation. The same thing applies to the so-called Syringe company. That's why AKIIPOC is being side tracked and disabled by the government.

The government erred when it cancelled the recruitment of 5000 teachers carried out by the immediate past administration in the state. It is important to recall that the present governor was the SSG in that government and he played some critical roles in the process. The review, verification and fresh test ordered by the governor was only deceitful and ingeniously advised to defeat or frustrate the legal action instituted by some of the affected persons. It's sad that the government is engaging these hapless and jobless youths in a legal battle.

The government also erred when it conceived the idea of constructing a lodge in Lagos and actually captured it in the supplementary budget sent to the House of assembly. It's a total misplacement of priority. It shows how insensitive and irresponsive the government is, given the economic recession we are facing. We understand the governor is doing that to give his Lagos friends some sense of belonging but it's sad, unfortunate and regrettable.

It would be recalled that the Four Point hotel in Ikot Ekpene was commissioned by the immediate past governor in a ceremony attended by the present governor. Why the budgetary estimate for the same time project in the supplementary budget sent to the House of assembly. ?.It shows that the state has been swindled by the past and the present administrations. It's the hallmark of a reckless, insensitive and fraudulent government. The worst of it all is that it's acting with impunity. This kind of recycling of clueless projects can only be tolerated in a state like Akwa Ibom where sycophants hail every government move, no matter how questionable.

Why is the Tropicana project still uncompleted or abandoned after the tons of billions of naira sunk into it. ?..The governor can't afford to pay be silent on it.

It's recalled that in his first one month in office the governor had set up a committee for the actualization of the Ibaka deep seaport. He later discovered that he lacks the political willwill to do such project and quietly abandoned it.

Like I stated earlier, this government is clueless, rudderless and inept. It's only excellent in covering the tracks of the rapacious cabal that foisted him on the state. Simply put,it's a mistake that the people of the state must use the 2019 polls to correct.

Come 2019, we'll elect a government that will be truly committed and accountable to the people and not remote controlled by a cabal whose members looted the state dry and are still looting.

THE MANY WRONGS AND LIES OF UDOM EMMANUEL. Reviewed by sirealsilver on July 31, 2017 Rating: 5 There's no gainsaying the fact that the present administration in the state is clueless, rudderless, inept and has failed dismally ...

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