![Image may contain: 1 person, smiling](https://scontent.flos2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/20479515_1603369866363506_6028398437430416584_n.jpg?_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeHMB4KAhLx_8hzzRChsCxCcevqz-k7xTf1I3THV-liTdmtVwgh02PRAUl-rFn_6htzgrndGzHgQGOuKA5i2gnP1lcYEEth_bYXS-rRO6kA0HA&oh=05992d97c8b4c6cde8dfbc6be813dcb1&oe=59F7074C)
What's going on? What's happening to us? Is this what they told us? At least we can still remember. He promised us industries. Where our youths could be employed. He said there was nothing to fear about. Even though most of us never believed him. But then, a single family forced him on us. Whatever was the agreement. Whatever amount that was paid. Whatever sacrifice they did behind us. Wasn't any of our business. But that's what is playing against us today.
After two year. No industries. Not even a site has been cleared. And nobody has said anything. Our youths are still waiting. While some have been forced to DAKADA. And yet, nothing is forthcoming. It's so frustrated. So annoying. That so much money is coming into our state. But all what we hear. Is that there's no government. This is what most of us were trying to avoid. When we insisted that the third term agenda was a dangerous deal. Many people couldn't understand. They were fixed, tight too one corner. But today, the result is hammering on us.
I can also remember. That our governor promised so many things. He even promised market women 'no interest' loans. He promised to boast their businesses. Help them grow financially. But today, our governor is causing hardship on our market women. He's now a garri seller. Even at a cheaper rate. Those women in the market no more see customers. Because everyone now rush to State Secretariat to buy governor's garri. They now patronize our governor. Because he's selling at a lower rate. Market women now go home at night without anything. Nothing is moving. No interest, no customer again. Suffering and anger all over their faces. The same wrapper, and same slippers. No money to make changes. They need help. Because our governor has diverted all their customers.
But why is our governor selling garri now? Why is he creating bad feelings for market women? Especially those who feed their families through the garri business. Why choose to deprive them of happiness? Instead of assisting them to boost their income. Is it a crime to deal on garri? Even though we know. That the governor might start selling crayfish, onions, maggi and others. Those are the industries he promised. Oh! what a funny man who discovered himself in government House without stress. The same way he will be thrown out without stress very soon. So he could go and get a shop to continue in his garri business. But then, empower these women. Assist them financially to improve their sales. Instead of diverting their customers. So that when you start yours. Another person won't pay you back in same coin.
Earnestly, our governor needs help. Today, he will perform groundbreaking. Tomorrow, he's into flagging off. The next thing, he want to build coconut refinery. When the coconut plantation is yet to take place. He initiates projects to be abandoned because of improper planning. That's the reason for all these abandonment of projects. And now, he's into garri selling business. So confused. So mystified. He really needs help. And the only help we can give him. Is to locate him a shop at Akpan Andem market. Load the shop with different bags of garri. And then relocates him safely. Because its like he loves selling food stuffs, other than leadership. We cannot give him what he does not want. He wants to sell garri. That's what we will definitely give him.
Please Help a Garri Selling Governor!
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