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By Micheal Joseph Okon

Imitation they say is limitation, yet the politically unprincipled desperate wannabe governor of Akwa Ibom state; "His Excellency" Nsima Ekere imitates shamefully and disgracefully at that. A lizard in 2015 can not become an alligator in 2019. Can a vulture in 2015 become an Eagle in 2019 because of association? 

The political handlers of "His Excellency" Nsima Ekere are the worst strategists in the game of marketing a copycat, and don't forget that if it is not Panadol, it’s not the same thing as Panadol. The best we can qualify Nsima Ekere today is nothing but a rabble rouser based on his nightmare longings to get to the hill top mansion through uncommon doors.

Why am I this bashful against "His Excellency" on this piece? He is not worth the respect he cannot accord another. I shall not bother to spit on his copied style of whatever staff given him at his unfortunate reception and it shall be over labouring if one decides to smirk on the plea by his cronies that Akwa Ibom state should organise a reception for him. Since when did those received start begging to be received? The tone of appeal by Obong Attah that Nsima be received by the state raises eyebrows especially for someone already received by Edemeya clan?

Why did "His Excellency" Nsima Ekere wait till Mr Udom Emmanuel was given a grand reception in Asan Ibibio before rushing for his reception of imitation? Where was Obong Victor Attah before the grand reception to now beg that AkwaIbomites should also receive Nsima Ekere? Some will pretend not to see the desperation of Nsima Ekere for the plum job,yet his desperation becomes his bane.
In his desperation, Nsima Ekere nonchalantly accorded himself the appellation, ‘His Excellency’, while addressing the Executive Governor on his shameful reception without due accolades of the office. A one time deputy governor whose inactions chased him out of office barely after 15months when desperation almost caused his impeachment that was averted by share pity by the whiskers. The madness of wanting to be addressed as His Excellency has driven Nsima Ekere politically insane to the extent he seeks to force time. 

Mr Udom Emmanuel with his prevailing unforced rhythm of grace may not have even noticed nor even cared about the salient spiting and self inflicted morality coup inflicted on Nsima Ekere by his very own foolhardiness, yet as concerned citizens acting as custodians of the peoples conscience it behoves on us to advise Nsima Ekere to seek the office of governor with temperance, else he disqualifies himself in the court of public opinion before the actual process commences.

Its disgusting and unbecoming of a supposed dignified personality like Nsima Ekere to have stooped so low as a tout by attempting to be more "Excellency" than the occupier of the office. The Insult on the office is a disdain on our collective intelligence as youths, women and elders of this great state. His contempt has led him so far, into refusing to attend events that are organised by the governor, or which the governor is billed to attend,no matter how important it is for the overall benefit of the people of his home state and now he has taken his hatred a step further to the chagrin of every good thinker. Ok, if the issue of adding a prefix of ‘Excellency’ was a mistake, was it also a mistake that a distasteful picture of the governor instead of his official picture was published on the programme?

One thing is certain, if God wants Nsima Ekere as Governor, that simple test of dishonouring the office one seeks which he constantly has failed to do shuts him out completely from ever smelling the hot seat. I had determined personally not to write anything on "His Excellency" Nsima Ekere until his unfortunate reception unwittingly attempted to draw the blood of acrimony.

My advice to Nsima Ekere is, don’t let anybody advise you on the contrary to think that you can be governor by spiting the office of the governor for you cannot be given the honour you have not given the office for which you seek.

Some of us had a little respect for you until we saw your demonic programme of self exaltation. You had the respect of Akwa Ibomites until your disgraceful outing in the name of reception. Stop imitating what happens to Mr Udom Emmanuel, it only limits you, such act is not in tandem with the prevailing Dakkada Ideology of our dear state. Please rise above this demagogic politics and be principled in your acts and words for in a more civilised environment, it would have been expected of you to caution your worshippers to apply refrain in the rush for Excellency while playing down on another for God sees our hearts and will only honour the pure in heart come 2019.

Micheal Joseph Okon, Coordinator of Friends of Udom Emmanuel on Facebook (FOUE), is a public commentator and writes from Ituk Mbang Village, Uruan.
DEMAGOGIC NSIMA EKERE’S PETULANCE AGAINST A REVERRED GOVERNOR Reviewed by sirealsilver on July 25, 2017 Rating: 5 By Micheal Joseph Okon Imitation they say is limitation, yet the politically unprincipled desperate wannabe governor of Akwa Ibom sta...

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