Secrets (Episode 7) "I don't know, it is not my business." She answered Tonia - Sirealsilver

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Secrets (Episode 7) "I don't know, it is not my business." She answered Tonia

"Ma, he will be fine, we pumped out the sleeping pills he overdosed on. He needs to be under close observation for some days though." The Doctor informed Mrs. Danladi and Usman's siblings.

He had been rushed to the hospital immediately after he was found in his bedroom closet.

He was wheeled inside and the family members were told to stay at the reception for over an hour.

The Doctor came out and reassured them that all was well and he invited Mrs. Danladi and Akeem, Usman's younger brother to his office for further discussions.

"Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Mrs. Danladi kept on chanting with relief.

"Doctor, can we see him?" His younger brother, Akeem asked.

"Not yet, he is resting now, I'll let you know when you can see him. But if I may ask, what could have prompted him to take such action?" Dr. Ajewole asked.

That he was surprised by the event, is an understatement. He had been the Danladi family Doctor for more than ten years and he couldn't imagine what could have pushed such a vibrant, young man to be suicidial.
"But then, depression is not a respecter of status," he thought.

"Doctor, I'm not sure, but I'd like to remind you that this matter should be handled with utmost discretion. It must not get out beyond those of us here." Mrs. Danladi reminded the Doctor.

"I understand, you should know you can trust me ma'am. But I'd like to know the exact medication he used so as to aid his recovery. He might also need to see a psychologist for further treatment to prevent a reoccurence. "

"Is that really necessary, I'm not sure I would like my son to be treated like a nut case." She argued.

"As for the drugs he used, here is the container, I hid it from prying eyes immediately I found it beside him on the floor." She handed the empty bottle over to the Doctor.

"No, Hajia, nothing of the sort. A psychologist is different from a psychiatrist. He just needs to talk to someone who is a professional about his feelings and problems. 

A professional would know how to help him. Trust me on this, trained psychologists treat their patients with utmost care, respect and discretion." He reassured her.

"Ba komi Doctor, if you say so." She answered.
"And where do you think you are going? Tonia, go get me my phone. "

"Yes ma." She answered.

Usman had just been discharged from the hospital the previous day having spent ten days there. He was dressed the following morning to go out contrary to Doctor's advice.

"I need some fresh air mum, I'm fine."

"No, you are not, we are not having this conversation. I will call the Doctor if you don't go back in and like he said, he will place you under admission again."

"Mum. Stop it, I am not a baby. I am a full grown man."

"Don't you talk back at me, let's go upstairs and talk about this."

They both march upstairs as is their custom when they don't want anyone listening to their conversations.

"Mum, I was planning to tell you, I'm planning to move out. You can't continue to watch me like a hawk." 
Usman informed his Mum once they entered her bedroom.

"What? You must be joking, especially after the suicide stunt you just pulled. Why are you bent on disgracing me, Usman? Do you know I had to lie to save your pride? The domestic staff think you had a heart attack. 

You are going no where. Not yet, not now."

"Mum, I need a change of environment, I need space, away from everyone, I need to breathe."

"And you're not breathing here? Like I said, you can't be alone now."

"Ok, if I can't be alone, I can get an assistant, if that will make you feel better."

"I will think about it, she said grudgingly."
"Mama Sidi, do you believe this heart attack story? Tonia asked the cook.

"I don't know, it is not my business." She answered Tonia.

"Hmm. I suspect there's something going on with oga Usman, he is the only one that is not married amongst Madam's children, despite being the eldest. 

They always talk in whispers in his room. There is something going on that they don't want anybody to know." She continued, not minding the Cook's dismissal.

"Tonia abi what is your name, you better mind your business. Don't put me in trouble o, ehn ehn."

"Ok o, but I will find out with or without your help."
"Mum, the house on Admiralty road is ready and I'm moving in. At least, it's been almost two months now and you can see I'm fit as a fiddle. 

Even the psychologist is impressed with my progress. It's time to stay in my own space." Usman told his mum as they chat in his office that fine Friday afternoon.

"Usman, I'm just coming from Jumat, please don't upset me. You don't have an assistant yet. That was part of the deal remember?" She said without looking at him.

"Yes, I do, in fact, I have the perfect solution to that." He said beaming with smiles. He loves it when he thinks ahead of his mum.

"Hmm hmm. What's the solution o?" She asked unenthusiastically.

"You are travelling to London for your yearly vacation and it's likely to be extended since Abibat is almost due to give birth ko?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"Yeees." She still didn't know where he was going with this.

"So, Tonia would be free. In fact, she would be idle, so instead of allowing her to laze around, she could be my assistant in the meantime."

"Hmmm. That girl, I don't like the idea of leaving her alone with you, I thought I would send her to Amina's house while I'm away. She has eyes on you Usman. 

You know these poverty stricken people, always planning to latch on to wealthy people by all means. I'm not comfortable with this arrangement o."

Usman laughed really hard to the point of tears.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked.

"The irony of it all Mum. How do you think she would latch on to me. I can't possibly impregnate her, this isn't working fah." He pointed at his crotch.

"Do you have to say that? Do you have to remind me?" She says with her lips quivering and tears stinging her eyes.

"Haba, Mum, it's the truth, I was only joking. You should be happy I can even joke about it. I'm sorry."

All rights reserved
Written By Tolulope Fakayode-Faniran
Secrets (Episode 7) "I don't know, it is not my business." She answered Tonia Reviewed by sirealsilver on June 19, 2017 Rating: 5 "Ma, he will be fine, we pumped out the sleeping pills he overdosed on. He needs to be under close observation for some days thou...

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