Secrets (Episode 19) "My daughter, hope you feel better. I was worried." Mrs Danladi said - Sirealsilver

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Secrets (Episode 19) "My daughter, hope you feel better. I was worried." Mrs Danladi said

"Don't be like this Tonia. You know I hate myself when you're like this." With that, he left as instructed. He didn't want to aggravate her anger. He knew he had messed up again.
"But Tonia should take a chill pill, she offends me too at times. Especially when she over spends or gets carried away at parties. 

She forgets to come home to her family on time. I don't throw a fit when she does those things." He thought.

By the time he got home, his mum and Akeem were there already.

"What happened bro?" Akeem asked.

"She's just exhausted, that's all. She'll be fine."

" But you said she fainted, how come? That's some scary stuff. You people always have something going on." He teased.

" I wanted to make love to her last night, and she said she was tired, next thing I knew, she collapsed."

"You need to take things easy Usman. I've seen the way you look at that girl these days. You tear her clothes with your eyes. Even a blind person can see it." Mrs Danladi chipped in.

"Mum!!" They both chorused.

"Don't mum me, the two of you. I never thought the day would come, when I would say this; but that girl is the best thing that happened to you.

She is running her business, running a home, taking care of your son, and you still want to have sex with her every night. It's not right."

Akeem and Usman looked at her with their jaws hanging. They couldn't believe their ears.

"How do you know all this mum? You don't even live here?" Usman asked.

"Remember I slept here the night of your forty fifth birthday? I wanted to talk to you about something but I heard you both arguing when I got to your bedroom door. I waited and listened. As she begged you to let her sleep that night.

That she was exhausted from all the activities of the day. Planning the party and all. But you wouldn't listen.

Then she gave in. That night, she earned my respect. But you need to stop being selfish.

You need that girl alive and well to take care of you and your home. Now, let's go and see her." She said finally.

"The Navigator! Shun sir. I relinquish my enviable position and give you the title. Wow. I never knew you're now a bedroom beast." Akeem said as he gave Usman, a mock salute.

"Hey my boo boo. Look at you. Mummy missed you." Tonia kissed Fuhad all over. She greeted Usman's mum and Akeem. She didn't respond to Usman's greeting.

"My daughter, hope you feel better. I was worried." Mrs Danladi said.

Tonia was surprised Mrs Danladi referred to her as her daughter.

"I'm fine ma. I'm just tired and weak." She said, eyeing her husband.

"I think you should come with me to my house once you're discharged. So that I can take care of my grandson.

I know you're not comfortable with the hired help taking care of him. I hope you'll be comfortable with me doing that so that you can rest and get your strength back." Mrs Danladi added.

Now, everyone in the room was shocked.

"But Mum, you're not putting me into consideration. You didn't even ask for my consent. Is this how it's going to be now?" Usman asked, perplexed.

For the first time, Akeem couldn't find the right words. He was contented to watch the drama unfold.

The Doctor came in with the test result at that moment.

"I need to speak to my patient please."

"You can say whatever is wrong with me in their presence. They're family. It seems you're new here Doc." She smiled.

"Ok. Anyway, it's good news. Madam is seven weeks pregnant. Congratulations." She said and left.

"Wow. Congratulations bro. You didn't waste anytime. You knocked her up so fast." Akeem said as he hugged his brother.

Mrs Danladi hugged Tonia and whispered: "Thank you, thank you. May Allah bless you."

Tonia was crying now. At long last. She was carrying Usman's baby.

She hugged her son tight and said to him: "You are my good luck charm. I love you."

Usman couldn't say a word. He just sat down and cried. His mother hugged him and signalled to Akeem so they could excuse them. She carried Fuhad along.

Usman was mad at himself for being so selfish. To think anything could have happened to Tonia and the baby because of his selfishness was unthinkable.

He hugged Tonia. She didn't hug him back.

" I know you are angry, but can you please share this moment with me? I am sorry for being a selfish fool but I'm happy I made a baby."

Tonia was discharged after three days, and true to Mrs Danladi's words, she took she, Fuhad and his nanny to her house. She took very good care of Tonia for the next one month.

"Akeem, what do I do? My wife is pregnant and still nursing a toddler. To make things worse, she's mad at me and Mum has whisked her away from my house. I need to satisfy my sexual urges. What do I do?

Because even if she's home, I dare not go near her."

" Bros, that's the reason why we have those side chics. To fulfill our sexual desires and fantasies."

"I've been thinking of that too. She can't keep up with me anyway. I do not plan to marry a second wife but I need a woman almost every night."

"You are "badder" than me bro. It's a Danladi trait, I tell you. It's the erection issue that has been cramping your style. I'm just glad our sisters are not in Lagos, no one to preach to me."

And so, the flirting and extra marital affairs began for Usman. He picked different girls that caught his fancy every other night.

He switched to scheduling some of his escapades to day time when Tonia returned home. But whenever he was outside Lagos, he had a girl on stand by. He was out of control.

Tonia suspected something was wrong. She also noticed he stopped pestering her for sex. She couldn't afford to be worried.

Though she didn't experience morning sickness like her first pregnancy, she was dealing with exhaustion, preeclampsia and anaemia.

She had pica too and it took all of her will power for her not to eat sand. It wasn't an easy pregnancy. She was in and out of the hospital. At a point, she was placed on bed rest.


All rights reserved

Written By Tolulope Fakayode-Faniran
3rd June, 2017
Secrets (Episode 19) "My daughter, hope you feel better. I was worried." Mrs Danladi said Reviewed by sirealsilver on June 21, 2017 Rating: 5 "Don't be like this Tonia. You know I hate myself when you're like this." With that, he left as instructed. He di...

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