She noticed they had entered the estate where his friend lived
"Oh, so you want us to come visit Chudi this early? Is there a special
occasion?" She asked, perplexed.
"Remember this house?" He asked as they stopped outside the house
he just purchased in her name.
"Of course, how can I forget? I like it."
"It's yours." He said, quietly.
Tonia wasn't sure she was hearing right. Something must be wrong, somewhere.
How can?
One of the men standing at the entrance handed the keys of the house and
some documents over to Usman, which he, in turn gave to Tonia.
It was only
then, that she believed him. She had been staring at all those present. She saw
her name boldly written on all the documents: Mrs Anthonia Nafisat Usman
Tonia was jumping. She rolled on the floor when she remembered the
dilapidated house she grew up in, the storey building at Mushin too, she was
She didn't want anybody to wake her up. She was shedding tears of
She eventually found her voice, she went on her two knees, right there on
the road to thank God and her husband.
She hugged him very tight, so tight,he
could hardly breathe. Usman captured the moment in his heart. He wished it
could last forever.
They left the place about two hours after. Tonia checked everywhere, room to
room, she was overjoyed.
She called her mum on the phone to give her the
Her mum, who now had a textile business in their village started dancing around
the village square, she demanded to speak with Usman. She thanked and prayed
for him.
"Do you still want your ice cream?" Usman asked Tonia on their way
"What is ice cream? Abeg, let's go home. What am I going to do with the
place?" She said excitedly.
"Anything babe. But the most logical thing is to rent it out. You earn
money year in year out that way. All in all, it's yours." Usman answered.
"Of course, that's the only option as far as I'm concerned. "
"Please don't let my mum and sisters know about this. Only Akeem knows,
and I'll like to keep it that way." Usman told her.
"That goes without saying, I've never been their favourite person,
there's no way I'm telling them." She answered.
From then on, things went back to normal, Tonia's plaza was almost complete.
All she needed was a child of her own to make her life complete.
"Hello, please there's trouble. My wife is lying here unresponsive, I
don't know what to do. My driver travelled and I can't drive in this state.
Please help me. I called the hospital but all their ambulances are not
Please come quickly. Come with your wife if she's available so she
can help with the kids." Akeem was reeling out so fast on the phone.
seemed agitated. He was breathless. Usman was scared. Akeem had never been this
frantic. Plus, it was barely 5am.
"Tonia, wake up, please we need to go to Akeem's house, his wife is
seriously sick. Please let's go." He said as he woke Tonia up and rushed
to get his car keys.
"What? Ok, let me quickly change my night dress into something more
decent." She answered as she rushed out of bed.
"No, No, we don't have time for that, it sounds really serious, you can
see I'm going in my PJs too."
Tonia managed to grab her house coat as they dashed out of the bedroom.
Usman drove like a crazy man all the way to his brother's house. Thank God
it was a mere thirty minute drive away, they made it there in less than twenty
They both rushed out of the car and went into the house. Only to see Akeem
and his wife standing in their pyjamas. They were stunned, but relieved. Usman
was fuming.
"Akeem, why would you call me here on false pretence. Only God knows
what could have happened to us on the way here. What's this about."
"Bros, I'm sorry, but I didn't know of any other way to do this. Mum
has been crying for days now. She won't eat.
She says she's been calling you
but you won't pick her calls. Please, I'm really sorry but hear me out."
Akeem pleaded with his brother.
"We are sorry sir, I have to leave now, I need to get the kids ready
for school. Tonia, sorry about the call."
Lateefah, Akeem's wife
apologised and left.
She had come up with the idea the previous night when her mother-in-law
showed up in their house, crying her eyes out.
She was distraught at the fact
that Usman had refused to talk to her or pick her calls in two weeks. It had
never happened before.
Lateefah had not been spared of Mrs. Danladi's overbearing and bossy
attitude, so apart from feeling sad for her husband who was in the middle of
this mess, she had no intention of housing Mrs Danladi for more time than
She would do anything to get the woman out of her home. The poor
lady was an easy going peace lover.
Mrs. Danladi had gone on and on about how Tonia was causing a rift between
her and her son; though
Lateefah wasn't privy to the details, she just wanted
the matter resolved as soon as possible so the old woman would go back to her
house and Lateefah would have her peace and quiet.
"Akeem, you shouldn't have done this. Mum went too far this time
around. I'm done being her lapdog." Usman lamented.
"Let's go in and discuss this. Tonia, you too. Please come in." He
said as he led them into one of the guest rooms.
They entered the room. It looked like a hotel suite, with a big Victorian
bed in the middle of the room, and a sofa and a recliner on either sides.
Mrs. Danladi was seated on the bed, looking miserable. She scowled at Tonia
as she greeted her. Usman didn't even bother to greet her.
"See what I was saying Akeem? See the way she's looking at my wife. I
don't want to talk to her." Akeem barked angrily, attempting to leave the
room. But Akeem and Tonia didn't allow him.
"Haba Usman, I was just greeting her fah. I didn't do anything."
Mrs Danladi said meekly.
"It's alright honey, please calm down." Tonia said to her husband
as she sat on the sofa.
Usman sat next to his wife and held her close like a shield. He was tired of
his mother's attitude. It has to stop.
"Alright, I'm calm, for the sake of both of you. I'll hear whatever
anyone has to say." Usman replied, gesturing towards Tonia and Akeem.
"I understand how you feel big brother, as a matter of fact, I would
react worse if I was in your shoes. But she's still your mother, our mother.
So, please I'm begging you in the name of Allah to please let go." Akeem
"I know Tonia must have told you what I told her and made it sound
worse, but you refused to say anything.
You only used my voicing it out as an
excuse to get mad at me. I meant no harm and you know it." Mrs Danladi
said, unrepentant.
Usman jumped to his feet in anger.
"See what I'm saying Akeem? What if she told me? Didn't you say those
things? I'll also shock you, by telling you this. She never told me. Not a
word. I make my own decisions.
You told me yourself. You are solely responsible
for the anger I feel towards to mum. Own up to your mistakes and stop blaming
my wife for everything that goes wrong."
"Please calm down Bro. Please. I understand your anger but you need to
calm down. Remember your health."
"You are scared I could drop dead or try to kill myself again? Is that
what you're saying? Or you think I could go crazy in the head since I used to
see a psychologist? You don't have to worry about that, I'm past that.
found a reason to live. I'm not going back there. Thanks to Tonia." Usman
replied, almost in tears.
To say he was livid is an understatement.
"You know very well that's not what I mean. I just don't want you
agitated, that's all."
"Honey, please, I beg you, I do not want this to go on for longer than
it already has. I didn't even know it was this bad. If you do love me as you
say, you would let this go." Tonia told Usman, holding his hands.
"I understand you. But this is not just about the issue at hand. It's
about the fact that my mother cannot bring herself to love my wife.
And she
claims to love me. When she tried to matchmake me with dozens of her friend's
daughters, the few that got close enough to know of my predicament left, one
even mocks me till date.
Not that I blame them, but mum should just accept the
one woman who has truly taken me just the way I am." Tears were rolling down
his cheeks now.
Tonia was moved, she had never seen her husband like this. She was fighting
back the tears too.
"I never knew I could find happiness again. Even Tonia has never heard
this, but I promised myself I'll kill myself if I couldn't find one reason to
live by age forty five. I am not yet forty five but I laugh at the thought now.
I am that happy. I can laugh at death and suicide now. I'm not whole, but I've
learnt to live with my imperfections and problems. Life is worth living when
there's someone who loves you unconditionally.
You may say she married me for
money, fine, but don't we all have our reasons for doing the things we we do?
Marriage inclusive.
Please just leave us alone. Do not interfere in my life and
marriage anymore."
"Mum, did you hear that? I see no reason why you shouldn't let this
couple be. I've never seen my brother this happy except while we were very
This woman has made him very happy. Stay out of their lives and affair.
Please mum."
"He is my son, I'm concerned for him. I'm worried. I want him to have
children." Mrs Danladi said, sobbing.
"Mum, you know the situation of things, my wife and I would do whatever
we conclude on.
It's strictly between us. Respect our wishes and let us deal
with this in our own way." Usman said confidently.
"Okay, I do not mean to pry, but can we know what your plans are? Maybe
Mum would back off if her mind is at rest and she's sure that her grandchild is
on the way?" Akeem pressed.
"We are considering artificial insemination. That's all we're willing
to share for now." Usman responded, his wife nodded in agreement.
"Is it not that thing they do by using another person's sperm to
fertilize a woman's egg? With a bunch of doctors and nurses in the know? Isn't
it better to keep things discreet by just making the babies under our
roof?" Mrs. Danladi retorted.
"See what I'm saying Akeem? Here we go again. She's started her
discreet nonsense again. Can't she just accept our decision as an adult couple?
I swear to you, if Mum doesn't stop this rubbish, I and my wife will leave and
she will never see us nor any child we give birth to." Usman blurted.
"Mum, I won't be able to help you if you succeed in pushing these
people out of your life. Do you have to be so pushy and forceful? To think I
was missing on something great by not being your favourite son.
I'm just happy
I'm not Usman. I'm done. I don't have his kind of patience." With that,
Akeem stormed out of the room.
Tonia stood up and pacified her husband.
"You've made your point, she only made a suggestion. Please let's get past
this and move on. Apologise to her and let's go. Please my King." She was
on her knees now.
"Me? Apologise to Mum? Not gonna happen."
"Then, I won't stand up, neither would I follow you back home. I'll
just stay here, on my knees." She concluded.
Usman thought she was joking, he tried to pull her up but she refused. He
pretended to leave, she wouldn't budge.
Then, he knew she was serious. He
couldn't bear to see her like that. Especially not after the past week's
"Okay, okay, you always blackmail me. I won't take it anymore o."
He said, smiling.
"I'm sorry if I've come out as rude Mum, but I just need you to
understand that a marriage is between two people, no more, no less.
Please forgive
me." He said as he squatted in front of his mother. Tonia had joined him
there, still on her knees.
"We are sorry ma. Please forgive us." Tonia added.
"I forgive you." Mrs Danladi murmured.
Usman jumped to his feet and pulled his wife up.
"We are going home. I need to get ready for work." He said as they
moved towards the door, unknown to them, Akeem was behind the door. He came in
there and then.
"I knew you guys would resolve your differences. Thanks Tonia." He
said, smiling.
All rights reserved
Written By Tolulope
1st June, 2017
1st June, 2017
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