Secrets (Episode 11) Tonia was only scared of one thing in her life: POVERTY - Sirealsilver

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Secrets (Episode 11) Tonia was only scared of one thing in her life: POVERTY

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Tonia, out of frustration resorted to sex toys to satisfy her sexual urge, though it was with her husband's consent and help.

She kept her husband happy and she in turn, enjoyed a life of comfort. She lacked nothing, though she craved for the feel of a real man, she blocked off the urges by thinking about how far she had come.

But then, people started talking again, it was two years into their marriage and Tonia was neither pregnant nor with a child.

Mrs. Danladi's friends even advised her to find her son a new wife who would give him babies since Tonia couldn't.

She pretended to be magnanimous and was giving Tonia time. She would do the needful when the time came. Or so they thought.

"We need to do something about your childless marriage Usman. People are talking, my friends are grumbling and my enemies are mocking. 

Allah yah Isah." Mrs. Danladi had been thinking of the best way and time broach up the subject for a few months.
She didn't want Usman to flare up at her, as the topic was a touchy one for him.

Moreso, he worshipped the ground Tonia walked on, she could do no wrong in his eyes. All because she married him despite his impotence. 

Is that a big deal? Isn't she equally benefiting from the marriage? Mrs. Danladi was fed up.

Tonia had taken her place in her son's heart, now Usman could go for days without calling her. To say that she was jealous was an understatement.

"And what do you suggest we do simply because people are talking?" He asked slowly without looking up from his computer.

He knew his mum had come to look for trouble the moment she walked into his office without any accusation.
When Mrs. Danladi isn't accusing you of a past offense, then she's warming up to offend you.

"Hmmm, I'm not sure yet, but I've been thinking. But if this Tonia girl loves you as she claims, she would do anything to give you a child." She said, looking to make eye contact with her son.

"Oh, are we going to have this conversation about how my wife doesn't love me but only married me for my money? It's really getting boring mum, you've been saying it for over three years now."

"Gaskiya ni. My point exactly, you've been married for almost four years now, and all she does is go on vacations, shopping sprees and spa treatments, no thoughts on how to solve the problem at hand."

"But mum, you do all those things too. And before you argue that you're not childless, need I remind you that our childlessness is not her fault? Mum please, I'm trying to work here, you're distracting me. 

There's an oil block for sale, I don't want to miss it. "
"I know she can do no wrong in your eyes, but I still insist that if she really loves you, she would cover your shame till the end by giving you a child!" She said finally, grabbed her bag, stood up and stormed out of his office.

Usman didn't bother to call her back, he knew her too well. He would talk to her later when she was calm.
"Welcome honey, dinner is ready, should Cecillia set the table so we can eat?" Tonia greeted her husband.

"I'm not hungry." He grumbled.

This was unusual, her husband only got like this when he was angry.
She ran after him up the stairs and followed him into their bedroom.

"What's wrong darling, did I offend you? Did anyone offend you? What is it?" She asked him, holding his face, looking into his eyes.

One more reason why he loved Tonia, she always wanted him happy, smiling if possible through out the day. 

She was the perfect wife, except her excessive spending though, he smiled. This was a small price to pay for how happy she has made him.

"Mum came to the office today. She was her usual overbearing self, but she went a bit overboard. Going on and on about how you would do anything to give me a child; whatever that means. I just wish she could leave us alone."

"Is that why you are angry? You should be used to her ways by now. She came to see me too, on Sunday while you went out with your friends." She replied.

"Really? And you didn't tell me. What did she say?" He asked, eagerly.

"My King, please don't get yourself worked up over nothing. She is just being her normal self. Don't worry about it."

"I don't know how you do it, she even manages to annoy me still, even after all these years."

"Please don't be like that Dear, just go into the bathroom, take a shower and come downstairs so we can eat. 

I've been waiting for you. Or would you rather I bathed you?" She asked, giggling mischievously.

"Hahahaha." He laughed really hard. Then, a sullen look fell on him.
Oh how he wished.
How he wished he could hold her to himself, kiss her lips, touch her breasts, make sweet, passionate love to her.

"Baba, what's that look I see?" She pointed to his face. "No, no, no, we are not gonna stand here and sulk, in fact, I am bathing you now." 

She pulled him closer, gave him a tight hug, then helped him undress and followed him into the bathroom.

They ate and retired early that night, as Tonia was horny, and they did their own version of lovemaking. They touched each other everywhere, kissed each other and completed the session with toys.

Tonia enjoyed herself and had not a care in the world. She married Usman a virgin and didn't really know what she missed.
She had lived all her life in poverty and made up her mind to do everything possible to get out of it.
There was no way she was going to live or bring children into the world without more than enough money to spend.
That's why she never gave herself to all those bike riders and farmers in the village, and fortunately for her, she met Usman not long after she got to Lagos. She dedicated her time, energy and thought to getting married to him.

This was a dream come true for her, and nothing would change that.

What's life with sex but lacking in money?

She had weighed her options and took her decision, she had no regrets.
"Honey, how is work going at the site? I can't wait for it to be completed." She giggled under the sheets.

"Oh that, I've not been there in the past few days. I've been really busy. You should go and check for yourself too. 

Give them instructions on what you want." He replied, kissing her on the forehead.

"Okay, I'll be there tomorrow. My spa would be the best in town. I've lazed around enough. It's time to work." She smiled.

"I'm not complaining." He sang as he got into the bathroom.

Things were falling in place. The plaza was being built in her name, the land bought in her name also. She had asked her husband to set her up by opening a spa for her, she was tired of waiting on him all day, doing nothing. 

Though he took care of all her needs, she didn't want to be idle.

He obliged her as usual. He couldn't deny her anything, so he even did more than give her a spa, he bought a piece of land not far from the highway at Lekki, built a shopping plaza on it, part of which could be used for the spa.

She has also been saving for the rainy day. She wasn't spending all the money her husband gave her shopping contrary to popular belief.
Tonia was only scared of one thing in her life: POVERTY.
She wasn't ever going back there.

Her father had died because they couldn't afford the ten thousand naira needed for his hospital bill when he had typhoid.
They opted for herbs in the bush, and he died.

Once, her mother lost a child at birth and she too almost died, just because she was being delivered of the baby by a local midwife at home, instead of going to the hospital.

Tonia was just ten years old then, but she remembered everything vividly. Her mother was crying, she was bleeding, there was blood everywhere in the house. The baby had died but her mum wouldn't stop bleeding. 

She was rushed to the local clinic, where she was referred to the hospital in Ilorin. Her father had to sell the only piece of land he used in farming to pay for her treatment.
Memories like these were what she had made up her mind never to relive in this life or the next.

This is why she agreed to marry Usman despite his problem.
This is why she wasn't bothered by his mother's incessant nagging.
When Mrs. Danladi came to see her on Sunday, she had made her plans known to Tonia, threatening to get Usman another wife who would be willing to do the needful.

"What exactly do you think I can do that I've not done? I've taken my husband to several orthodox and native Doctors, I've never, and never would cheat on him. I can only continue to persevere and pray for him." She answered.

"Hmmm. I hear you, but all those things won't make a child cry in this house, would they? I need grandchildren in this house, all his younger ones have children, I would not be made a laughing stock because of him."

"I understand you ma, I've been thinking in that line too, I plan to talk to my husband about adopting a child very soon. I'm hopeful that he would agree. But I won't stop praying for a miracle." Tonia said.

"Hahahaha." Mrs. Danladi laughed hysterically. "I knew you to be stupid, but never knew you were this stupid. 

So, you think I'm going to stand by and watch you bring in a strange child to enjoy and inherit what my husband toiled for? You are a joker!"

All rights reserved
Written By Tolulope Fakayode-Faniran
Secrets (Episode 11) Tonia was only scared of one thing in her life: POVERTY Reviewed by sirealsilver on June 20, 2017 Rating: 5 Tonia, out of frustration resorted to sex toys to satisfy her sexual urge, though it was with her husband's consent and help....

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