Secrets (Episode 10) She has no choice but to accept you. I want to marry you Tonia" - Sirealsilver

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Secrets (Episode 10) She has no choice but to accept you. I want to marry you Tonia"

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Tonia, stop crying, it's okay. I've told you nothing and no one can separate me from you. Don't mind my mum. She will come around eventually. 

I'm calling my siblings right away. They'll talk some sense into her. 

She has no choice but to accept you. I want to marry you Tonia."

She wiped her tears fast. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Are you sure? Would she approve? Would your siblings approve?" She asked, trying to hide her excitement. 

"I don't care if they agree or not. This is my life. I've always lived for the family. Even my career of choice had to take a back seat so I could take care of the family business. 

This is my chance at being happy. No one can stop it, it's either they accept you or accept you. 

I am the Megida of this family and I deserve some respect."

The matter quickly became a family affair, everyone wanted to see the "girl" who had Usman smitten and made him go against his mother, they came to his house in troops, sizing Tonia up.

Usman had given Tonia his debit card to go shopping, and buy all she needed to look respectable and beautiful. 

He spared nothing at her expense. He got his friend in Saudi Arabia to send her gold jewelleries, essential oils and perfumes and expensive jalabia and abayas including veils and turbans.

Tonia was on a roll, she was living her dream, a car and driver inclusive. She invited Damilola and Biola to go shopping with her. 

They found it all unbelievable. They were more than happy to spend out of the loot. They both went back home with huge shopping bags and thick wallets.

Eventually, Akeem, Usman's brother who had always been worried about Usman made the others see reason. 

He made them realise this was the best for all parties involved. He asked their mum and sisters: "how many ladies who belonged in their social class would agree to marry Usman?"
Usman was more than ripe for marriage, yet he couldn't marry because of his predicament. His marriage to Tonia would put an end to all negative speculations.

Their sisters agreed, but their mum was stubborn, but eventually agreed when she discovered all her other children were in Usman's corner.

A date was set for the wedding. It took place in Lagos as Usman and Tonia had concluded it was better that way. 

Tonia's mum, younger ones and relevant family members were invited to Lagos for the event. They were well catered for, and were elated that their daughter was getting married to a rich man.

Only Tonia's mum expressed her reservations about the whole arrangement, but she was silenced by her in-laws and relatives, and Usman's kindness.
Usman's mum was a different story though, she was polite but cold, her behaviour made Tonia's mum worried for her daughter.
But she was sent back home after the ceremony with loads of gifts and money. Life was better for her because of the marriage. She accepted it and prayed for her daughter's happiness.
For about six months, Tonia and Usman enjoyed each other's company, they enjoyed their friendship. But more importantly, Tonia enjoyed the affluent lifestyle. It was as if her life had changed overnight.

But sexual frustration began to set in, she was irritable most of the time. Especially when Usman touched her. 
She didn't want to be sexually aroused without being sexually satisfied.

"Tonia, I understand how you feel, you've been a rock all this while, you've been there for me, but you knew what you were getting yourself into from the beginning, I didn't hide anything from you. So, please, be patient with me. 

I won't touch you if you don't want me to. Just help keep up the good impression we are giving outsiders. Please." He knelt down and begged her.

"Stand up honey, I'm sorry if I've been touchy. But it's not as easy as I thought. What do we do now? We can't continue like this, we need to find a solution. Or what do you think?"

"I understand how you feel like I said earlier, if I thought there was a solution in sight, I would go to the end of the world to get it, but I've explained to you how hard I've tried in the past. 

I don't want to keep going through the stress without anything to show for it."

"But I believe for every problem, there's a solution. We need to keep trying. If we don't try, we won't know."
"Hmm." He sighed. 

I vowed not to subject myself to the ridicule of being examined, questioned and pitied anymore, but for you, I would do anything. 

But where do we go? Orthodox medicine has failed me, I once tried a herbalist but it didn't work out as well." He said, holding his wife's hands and looking into her eyes pleadingly.

"I had to confide in my mum when I couldn't take it anymore, she says she'll make enquiries and get back to me." She answered.

"Tonia! You told your mum? She won't see me the same way anymore. How do I face her after this?"

"Who else should I have told? My friends? Your friends? So they can mock us behind us? At least, we are sure my mother won't mock us, she won't gossip about us either. She's the best person to tell. Our problem is her problem."

"It's okay, let me know whatever she comes up with. I hope she'll be discreet though."

"You sound like your mum," she chuckled.
"Always discreet."

They both laughed and proceeded to eat their dinner downstairs.

For another one year, they visited different prophets, herbalists and clerics, yet, there was no solution. 

Usman ate different concoctions, drank herbs, oils, and water.
He spent a lot of money all in a bid to find a cure, but there was no lead way.


All rights reserved
Written By Tolulope Fakayode-Faniran
Secrets (Episode 10) She has no choice but to accept you. I want to marry you Tonia" Reviewed by sirealsilver on June 20, 2017 Rating: 5   Tonia, stop crying, it's okay. I've told you nothing and no one can separate me from you. Don't mind my mum. She will...

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