Usman narrated his dream to Tonia and she listened with rapt attention. She found the dream intriguing.
"But do you know this has been my fear for sometime
now? I'm scared if things continue like this, I won't be able to
satisfy you in bed and you'll seek satisfaction elsewhere." She
"Awww. Have I been that bad? Is it that serious?" He asked, feeling ashamed.
"Yes, it is. Okay, can you remember two consecutive nights that you didn't demand for sex from me ever since you started, you know?" She asked, shy.
He covered his face with his hands.
"See what I'm saying?" Tonia continued.
"I just can't help it. It's as if I'm let loose. I'm sorry about that. I'll try to control myself from now on." He apologised.
"Good morning Mr and Mrs Danladi. I came in as soon as I heard you were here. Hope madam is feeling better now?" Dr Ajewole asked as he came in.
"Good morning Doctor." They answered.
"Yes, I'm feeling much better. Your colleagues took good care of me."
"I'm happy to hear that, and I heard congratulations are in order. I'm so delighted for you both. I'm so glad."
"Thank you Doctor." They responded.
"Usman, I've been meaning to call you, but my trip got in the way. You didn't come for your appointment.
You were supposed to check in so we know how things were progressing after the surgery. It's supposed to be two months post op. I thought I reminded you." The Doctor said.
"Oh Doctor, I forgot. I have been feeling good since then and as you can see, it's evident." He said smiling whilst pointing at Tonia's stomach.
"Yes, it is, nevertheless, you should have come." The Doctor insisted.
"When I heard you travelled, I just thought I'll see you when you get back. Besides, I still had my prescription sheet with me, so when I finished the medications, I just went to a pharmacy, I got more."
"You did what?" The Doctor exclaimed.
"I was there when the urologist gave you that prescription, that was after you were certified ready for intercourse.
Those medications were supposed to last you till your next appointment after which your performance would be reviewed and the Doctor would know if you needed to continue the medications or not. I was there when he told you."
The Doctor was perplexed at Usman's ignorance.
"I know he talked about my next appointment but I didn't know the drugs needed to be reviewed. I noticed I didn't have much drive a day or two after I finished them so I figured I could just replace them."
"Haaaa. Usman. No wonder you knocked the poor woman up so fast. Madam, I hope you're okay. How has he been acting?"
"Like an animal on heat!" Tonia whispered.
They all laughed.
"That's to be expected, he has been self medicating on sex enhancement drugs. Drugs that ought to be used under strict supervision.
We will run some tests, but I'm optimistic that he'll be fine since he hasn't suffered any reversal or side effects."
"I thought they were like the hypertension medications, that I'll keep on using them."
Usman replied.
"No, you know even the hypertension drugs are monitored. Please don't do that again." The Doctor warned him.
"Hello people. What's happening again? It seems something is always going on with you guys." Akeem comes in teasing them.
"Shut up there. I need to talk to you Akeem." Usman said to him.
They both stepped out of the ward and Usman narrated his dream to Akeem.
"It seemed so real Akeem, I think you should learn from this as well, stop philandering. It's not wise. Except you're not scared of losing your marriage.
But I know you adore your wife." Usman pleaded.
"Bros, you know why I've been quiet since you started narrating this dream? Because I have flings with lots of corpers in my office and there's a particular one called Susan, I'm seeing at the moment. It seems you are telling me about me. I'm ending it with her today.
Who knows what she has planned for me?" Akeem replied quietly.
For the first time, he was lost for words. He couldn't believe his ears.
Akeem ended his relationship with Susan that evening and changed his ways gradually. Though it wasn't easy and immediate, his love and fear of losing his wife made him change.
For months, Tonia teased Usman about the drug misuse. He felt really ashamed of himself but they laughed it all off.
Tonia had an uneventful pregnancy.
Usman spoiled her silly and Mrs Danladi was always on hand to take care of Fuhad who was growing so fast and was a handful.
The ultimate surprise was on the delivery day, when Tonia gave birth to a set of twins. A boy and a girl.
This time around, she gave birth in the United Kingdom in the company of her husband, Mrs Danladi and Fuhad.
Usman's joy knew no bounds as he biologically fathered two children at the same time and for the first time.
All rights reserved
Written By Tolulope Fakayode-Faniran
7th June, 2017
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