Luke 18:7-8 NKJV
shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him,
though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them
speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find
faith on the earth?”
Is it possible that what we call faith is not really faith at all in the eyes of God? Hence our scripture says "shall He really find faith on the earth"? It seems to me that God is saying here that faith; real faith, will be very scarce in the last days.
For the most part, what people refer to as faith is to "name it and claim it". So, after naming and claiming without results, they just get discouraged and abandon the whole project with the conclusion that God didn't want to give it to them, or that God didn't want to answer their prayers.
They "close shop", pack their bags in offense with God and accept a status quo and an under-perfect existence.
Let it n made abundantly clear that real faith is not just "name it and claim it", it is rather the beginning of faith.
But real faith is persevering faith, it is the kind of faith that Jesus wants to see when He comes back.
The statement by Jesus came against the background of a parable that men ought always to pray and not faint; (Luke 18:1).
To God, a faith that cannot persevere is not real faith. Add some spine to your faith, make it rugged and audacious in Jesus Name.
Let's see how the amplified bible presents our text: Luke 18:7-8 AMP "I tell you, He will defend and protect and avenge them speedily.
However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find[ persistence in] faith on the earth?”
Receive grace to persist in your faith in Jesus Name.
-Repent of anytime you lost faith in God due to any kind of delay.
-Ask God for tenacity in your spirit to believe Him till the end.
-Reject every spirit of giving up in your life in Jesus Name.
-Go back to all the things you gave up on and reactivate your faith for them all over again.
To God, a faith that cannot persevere is not real faith.
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