Finding Mr Perfect Husband (Episode 21) "You're pregnant?" he asked in soft whispers - Sirealsilver

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Finding Mr Perfect Husband (Episode 21) "You're pregnant?" he asked in soft whispers

The air was musty, filled with the scent of straw and oiled leather.
Imabasi's new teaching job became fun to her as her new students loved the colour of her skin, and the way she pronounced British words.

She liked the way her students called her name, she giggled or gave a slight smile when they did.

On her way back to the quarters, Victor watched her from his office window. A hint of amusement in his eyes.

A part of him wanted to call her to his office and just watch her grumble words he might not understand, while he made her jealous. But the wiser part dared not. He watched her till he couldn't view her anymore from afar.

His phone rang, and when he peeped at it and saw that it was Miriam, he picked it up immediately.

"Hi Mimi" He said softly.

"We have a problem Victor, I think you should reveal the truth to Ima. She has been accusing me of betraying her. She has refused to pick my calls, I can't talk to her until you do. She won't agree to be my child's godmother if we don't settle this."

"You're pregnant?" he asked in soft whispers.

"Yes. Richard and I are having a baby. I haven't told Ima yet because she is really upset with me."

"But she likes her job Mimi, she is used to it now."

"I know...if not she would have been gone a long time ago. My friendship with my best friend is at stake here Victor, please help me clean this mess."

"Mimi, I am Your best friend's boss. She doesn't greet me, she doesn't visit my office, she snobs me even when she knows I admire her." Victor said casually.

When the call ended, Victor thought about how he was going to talk to Imabasi. He could not get over the passion and emotional that descended on him after he kissed her, and when he remembered that she kissed him back, he came calm as he summoned courage to visit the quarters.
A flash lightning illuminated the room and she caught a glimpse of her surrounding. Imabasi was checking her students test scripts on her laptop.

A plate of bacon cooked to a crisp sat next to the coffeepot. She savoured every delectable morsel, even the coffee tasted nice, it was Denmark coffee, the one she bought at the school shopping mall the previous evening.

Licking her fingers, she went back to her laptop, checking through each students test script.

There was a knock on her door, and she wondered who it was. It was the first time someone knocked on her door at that time of the night.

"Who is there?"

"It's me." Victor replied in a low tone. Her heart melted when she heard his voice. She had wondered what he wanted from her at that of the night, she became curious and walked hastily toward the door, clicking it open.

She stood there for a while, not saying a word as they looked into each other's eyes for a moment.

"I do not entertain male visitors in my apartment at this time, worse? A married man who is suppose to be in bed with his wife ." She said, walking away as Victor walked slowly behind her.

"I want us to talk about something."

"Whatever it is, we will talk about it tomorrow."

"I want to talk about it now. Right now." Victor said authoritatively."

"Go ahead." She said, despite her unwillingness to show emotion in front of him.

On a quick breath, Victor said, "Everything was a game to get you me, I mean to get you here so that we can date. I am not married, Monica is my younger brother's wife.

All that was a game. The wedding gown scene and the acceptance letter were all planned by Miriam, I and Monic."

Imabasi stared at him in shock.

Ignoring her rapidly beating heart, she tried to force calm into her heart.

"I am sorry, your prank failed you. I am in a relationship with someone else. You're a married man to me Victor."

Victor's expression became blank.

"Are you in love with him?" he asked.

She shut her eyes and nodded her head, too weary to delve into her heart.

She wanted to lean her head against his shoulder, but she did not. It was important that she remain strong and keep telling him of her new found love.


Written by Vicky Bon
June 18, 2017
Finding Mr Perfect Husband (Episode 21) "You're pregnant?" he asked in soft whispers Reviewed by sirealsilver on June 18, 2017 Rating: 5 The air was musty, filled with the scent of straw and oiled leather. Imabasi's new teaching job became fun to her as her n...

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