Message From The President Oron Union Branch, Prince Offong Ntofon On The Occasion Of Celebrating Oron Union @ 92 - Sirealsilver

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Message From The President Oron Union Branch, Prince Offong Ntofon On The Occasion Of Celebrating Oron Union @ 92

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I salute my fellow compatriots of Oron Nation on this historic date May 23rd to mark the 92nd Anniversary of Oron Union.

This is the date that tells us our history as a people. A day that reminds us of our collective obligations and duties to the generations unborn.

It is a date that we recall to memory our past to help us critically examine our present in order to launch into the future with vehement determination, resilience and dignity.

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It is indeed a date to celebrate and honour the collective resolves and dogged determination of our fathers who sacrificed their resources including time, treasures and talents to build and bestow on us a virile Oron Nation.

As we all know, the birth of Oron Union 92 years now was as a result of the uncommon passion, zeal and desire by the founding fathers to develop our land.

Therefore, it may have been a tortuous journey to this level in the last 92 years, but thanks be to God that through thick and thin, we still remain individually and collectively committed to this goal.

Undoubtedly in the course of this journey, some of us have suffered persecution, inconvenience and humiliation in one way or the other to pursue this goal and sustain the focus. But the joy of these many trials is that today, we can look back and count our blessings.

In the days of our fathers, we could say with all confidence and pride that our land was once dotted with tremendous achievements by our sons and daughters in various fields including politics, academics, armed forces, commerce, religion etc. to the admiration of all.

Ladies and gentlemen, this most talked about prominence and dominance seems to have eluded us today.

And I ask, what could be responsible? Your guess may be as good as mine that our trials and challenges are occasioned by both internal and external factors.

External factors caused by forces outside our land that will always want to intimidate, deprive and cheat us out of our rights and privileges, while the internal factors are caused by some of our brethren whose stock in trade is always nothing than the pull down syndrome because of selfish desires and ulterior motives.

But amidst this turbulence, we have remained steadfast and resolute in pursuing our common dreams and yearnings.

Therefore, I will commend and salute our true patriots in whose families and lineage the zeal and passion to develop our fatherland runs in their genes.

Today our land is dotted with positive imprints of their contributions and we are better for it. So shall they continue to flourish and excel for well doing.

Fellow compatriots, considering where we are today in relation to where we are coming from, then we can imagine what the future portends.

But I want to encourage us especially our young ones not to be weary nor be despair by the present challenges nor the challenges of the future.

The present leadership of Oron Union at the centre and at the Branches is firmly committed to do whatever is rightly required to create opportunities, expand our shores for development and demand for Oro rights and privileges from all necessary quarters.

All we need is our collective support, love and true brotherhood. We need ourselves now than ever. Having veered off the tract for development, having failed to sustain the tempo that once gave us prominence and relevance in various fields of endeavours, we sure need to return to the drawing board.

Now, let there be a call for sober reflection, a time for soul searching and a time to ponder in critical examination of our individual and collective attitudes and contributions towards a new Oro after 92 years.

What did we do right that brought us from obscurity to prominence at both the State and Federal levels? What have we ignored to do that is threatening to annihilate and relegate us to the background in recent times? What modalities/strategies should we put in place to counter or forestall the impending extermination of Oro people? To my mind and any truly patriotic Oro son or daughter, this is of utmost importance and immediate concern.

Therefore; there is a call for urgent and compelling need to immediately make a detour from our selfish pursuits and jettison our selfish desires and come back home with the spirits of genuine commitment to congregate as a people to chat a common/new course for the growth of our land.

The time to launch this rebirth is now. Of course, the essence is to retake our space and recapture our dominant presence in the socio-political cum economic affairs of the State and federal alike.

Though the task may be quite enormous and herculean, but with true and undaunted spirit of patriotism and unwavering commitment as obtained in the good old days, we will definitely conquer.

Permit me to note here with all sense of humility that Oron Union Founders’ Day Thanksgiving was a brain child of Lagos Branch and it still remains one Program in Oron Nation which is very dear to our hearts.

But for the loving memory and honour of our dear Son, one time President, Oron Union, Lagos Branch, a one-time President General, Oron Union Worldwide, a renounced IT titan of no mean repute, Late Dr. Mfon Amana, this year’s edition will be a low-key celebration.

We implore all Oron Union Branches and the centre to always mark and celebrate this date; May 23rd as a date

Oro people decided to take their own destinies in their hands for good. Happy Anniversary to All Sons and Daughters of Oron Nation Worldwide.

Thank you all. May God richly bless Oro.

Prince Offong Okung Ntofon.
President, Oron Union, Lagos Branch.
Message From The President Oron Union Branch, Prince Offong Ntofon On The Occasion Of Celebrating Oron Union @ 92 Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 23, 2017 Rating: 5 I salute my fellow compatriots of Oron Nation on this historic date May 23rd to mark the 92nd Anniversary of Oron Union. This is the ...

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