“Make The Sacrifices Required To Make Our Nation Great Whether You Are a Leader Or a Ffollower” - Osinbajo Urges Nigerians - Sirealsilver

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“Make The Sacrifices Required To Make Our Nation Great Whether You Are a Leader Or a Ffollower” - Osinbajo Urges Nigerians

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The Acting President spoke at the Interdenominational church service at the National Christian Centre, Abuja as part of activities marking the 2017 Democracy Day.

The theme of the service was: ‘The Dry Bones Shall Live Again’ Ezekiel 37:11.
Recalling the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37, the Osinbajo said Nigerians must not be like the politician and cleric in the story that looked the other way when they saw the man that was attacked by thieves.
He urged them to emulate the Good Samaritan, a nobody that took compassion on him, poured oil on his wounds, bandage him and took him to the hospital.
He said “When we look on our country it is not the state that fell that is the story but the story is how the people reacted when you see the nation that needs to be helped.
“While the politician and cleric look the other way when they saw the man that was half dead, the Good Samaritan had compassion on him, bandage him and took him to the hospital.
“Who truly loves the nation, is it the priest that said a prayer walked past, or the politician that looked and walked past or the Samaritan that took the wounded to the hospital, paid some money and said treat him, on my return I will upset the bill.
“The nation requires those that can make the sacrifices to make it great, they are those whom Jesus spoke about, people that may not be of note but prepared to make the nation great again. Some are doctors, teachers, young graduates.
“There is sacrifice of integrity against corruption, when you speak against corruption it fights back so you must be ready to make sacrifice no matter how highly placed or small you are. Teachers who are prepared to teach, doctors who are prepared to provide health services no matter what.
“Make the sacrifices required to make our nation great whether you are a leader or a follower,”he stated
Before concluding his speech, the Acting President prayed to God to speedily heal President Muhammadu Buhari and bring him back safely.

He also prayed for grace on those willing to make sacrifices to make the nation great again.
“Make The Sacrifices Required To Make Our Nation Great Whether You Are a Leader Or a Ffollower” - Osinbajo Urges Nigerians Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 28, 2017 Rating: 5 The Acting President spoke at the Interdenominational church service at the National Christian Centre, Abuja as part of activities ma...

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