Gov Udom Emmanuel: Best Brand, Optimum Demand! - Sirealsilver

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Gov Udom Emmanuel: Best Brand, Optimum Demand!

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“Opinions of others are good but not reliable. It could have been stirred up by circumstance.”

As we gear up towards the second anniversary of His Excellency, Gov Udom Emmanuel, since assumption of office on May 29, 2015, exactly 24 months running, Akwa Ibomites will be availed, given and obliged the opportunity to witness in totality what government has been able to impact so far, the deliverables and those still in the kitty awaiting delivery.

Therefore, as we set to mark the second year anniversary of Mr. Emmanuel at two, the dividends, strides, achievements and sustainable successes are counting too numerous in our kitty in a bit to providing qualitative governance to Akwa Ibomites.

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A roll call of activities, schedule and outline cumulating into a one-week running and climaxing on May 29, 2017 clearly and glaringly showcase impacting performance of the Governor in just 24 months.

Spanning through the 22nd to 29th May, 2017, Gov Udom Emmanuel will be initiating and as well commissioning life-touching, endearing and fruitful state ventures as he will be flagging off an Emergency Medical Response Training to boost emergency attention in cases of accident, disaster and sudden crisis demand; flag-off of the Modern General Hospital for Uyo metropolis at Ituk Mbang; commissioning of 1.5km Nsikak Eduok – Tropicana Outfall drain; commissioning of 1.32km Ntiedo Udosen Street, Uyo; flag-off of 3.2km Dual Access road in University of Uyo permanent site; the much expected Toothpick and Pencil factory was commissioned amid other allied products of the outfit; inspection of dualised 20.0km Ikot Oku Ikono – Etinan Road which has progressed in construction to a greater percentage; flag-off of road network at College of Education, Afaha Nsit and flag-off of 9.76km Ancillary roads in Nsit Ubium LGA.
It’s been a celebration of unlimited performance since inception of his leadership mantle since May 29, 2015.

Inspection of 25.0km dualised Uyo – Ikot Ekpene Road; inspection/commissioning of 6.41km Nto-Edino – Ekwere Azu Road with 2No 45m Span Bridge, the road is a commercial link thorough fare between neighbouring Abia State and Akwa Ibom; commissioning of 4.6km College of Technology Road, Nung Ukim, Ikono; inspection of 14.1km Ikpe Ikot Nkan – Obotme – Arochukwu Road with 110m Bridge; commissioning of Modern Girls Secondary School, Ikot Ekan, Abak LGA; inspection of 14.0km Abak Nsekhe – Ikot Akpa Nkuk – Ikot Etim – Ikot Ikara Road (Phase III section A) Ikot Ikara to Ikot Ibritam; inspection of 6.1km Atan Offot Road in Uyo metropolis; commissioning of 6.0km Idiaba Nsi-Ikot Abasi (Nung Udoe) Road and inspection of 15.317km Anua-Mbak-Ishiet Road.

His Excellency will as well inspect a 10.5km dualised Okopedi – Oron Road; inspection of gully erosion control facilities at Oron/Isangedighi Road; inspection of 6.3km Emergency Works on Urban Roads, Oron; commissioning of 3.2km Road in Ibaka, leading to Delmar Petroleum Harbour and Tank Farm; inspection of Remodelling of selected roads, Eket; commissioning of reconstructed and equipped Children’s Ward, Immanuel Hospital, Eket; commissioning of 19.5km Eket – Ibeno Road; flag-off of 55.1km Super Highway with 3No Spurs, Eket; inspection/test of Syringe Factory; flag-off of Flour Mill, Okat; inspection of 29km Etinan – Ndon Eyo Road with 2 Cable Bridges; commissioning of 5.0km Ikot Usop – Ikot Edeghe – Ikot Ekpuk Road with 30m Span Bridge; flag-off of 9.0km Ibekwe – Ikot Unya – Ikot Mkpenye – Ikot Akata Road and flag-off of Coconut Refinery.

Splendid and fantastic line up of activities crowning the second year anniversary of Mr Industrialisation, the man who arrived Akwa Ibom soil on a divine voyage to man the difficult, tumultuous and cramped state economy for sustainability. 

The entire event that chronicled the 2nd year outing will spraw to an end with the flag-off of the Green House Project along Akwa Ibom Airport Way; flag-off of Cattle Ranch, Adadia Uruan; a live chat with His Excellency spanning all print and electronic medium and a special thanksgiving service at Qua Iboe Church, Oku, Ikot Ekpene Road, Uyo in appreciation to the Almighty for what He has done for the Udom Emmanuel administration against all spew words, propaganda, blackmail, false accusation, insults, wanton and chronic character assassination.

Therefore, if people hate you, doubt you, or criticise you, let them.

Our goal is to please God not man.

One thing also remains that we do not need to worry because no matter what we do to please them, a witch remains who he/she is.

Even if we pour Peacock Paints on them, inject their bare buttocks with Jubilee Syringe, decorate their faces with AKEES Pencils, screw in the Toothpicks between their teeth and take them on a drive on Eket – Ibeno Road, most of these of sit-home skunk critics will still remain at their low attitude and limited profile.

No matter the semantics, criticism and half truths rained on the pencil production factory, one sure thing is that Governor Udom Emmanuel has done a good job of stimulating production activities which is the key pillar of industrialisation.

This remains the time tested route to earning foreign exchange and impartation of knowledge.

A close examination on the Meiji Restoration Model of Japan which was a deliberate state policy at copying, attempting and trying until Japan got to the enviable position she occupies today is hope rekindling that we are surely getting there.

The Governor should be commended for his efforts so far and encouraged to do more.
If there are areas that require criticism, we owe our state a duty to make requisite and appropriate suggestions.

But we must not disparage or ridicule bold efforts of an administration in charting a direction in wealth creation and economic independence for Akwa Ibomites.

Patrick Reuben is a Public Affairs Analyst writes in from Awantong in Etinan!
Gov Udom Emmanuel: Best Brand, Optimum Demand! Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 25, 2017 Rating: 5 “Opinions of others are good but not reliable. It could have been stirred up by circumstance.” As we gear up towards the second an...

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