Exclusive: Never Say You Don't Care. Dare To Care And See How You Will Release Life - Sirealsilver

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Exclusive: Never Say You Don't Care. Dare To Care And See How You Will Release Life

To care is to give serious meticulous and deliberate attention to something. When something is under someone's care it means that it is under their protection or charge. To care is to be concerned, to give thought to or regards to someone or to something. 

To care is to nurture and to provide, it is to be there in times of need and crisis and not just to be sympathetic but to be empathic as well. 

Care is all about attention. The more attention you give to details the more caring you naturally become.  Whether it is to a task, a relationship, a piece equipment or a property, you can not afford to be careless. 

Lives are lost, properties damaged, equipment destroyed, and relationships are broken when people refuse to care.

If you will care for anything you must be willing to take note of it. You must pay attention to it so that when you begin to observe signs and distress, deterioration, or decay you will be able to tell the difference.

When God put Adam in the Garden of Eden, it was for him to care for it. When he gave Eve to him as a wife, it was for him to care for her. The word husband is a derivative of the word husbandry which implies cultivation, agriculture, or farming, the same word use in his responsibility towards the Garden.

Adam's responsibility was to pay attention or to care for what God had given to him. Adam lost both the Garden and his wife because he did not care.

When someone says "I don't care" most at times we can interpret it to mean willful negligence of duty. But this is not always the case; sometimes it is not willful negligence but just carelessness. You see everything requires a particular amount of attention for it to be nourished, fruitful and to flourish.

In the other way, carelessness is giving any task, responsibility, or relationship less than the required amount of attention it deserves, and this is not always a willful act or an act carried out in wickedness.

Sometimes it is because of laziness that we manifest carelessness. Nonetheless, the end of all carelessness is always loss.

The most painful words that can be spoken in a relationship are not the words "I do not love you anymore" rather it is "I don't care." You can love something and be too lazy to care for it but you cannot care for something and not end up loving it. Children who are not cared for die prematurely or end up destroying their lives. 

Businesses that are not cared for become bankrupt. Marriages end up in divorce when there is no care. A bankrupt soul or spiritual dryness is the result of refusing to care for the things of the spirit.

Care is pouring water on the flower of your soul by seeking God each morning; it is speaking kind words of encouragement over your loved ones and to be there when they need you.

It is to pay attention to your business. It is to never give up but to persevere until the object of your care is fully formed, fully nourished, and fully matured.         

Try to care. Though it is hard work, you may not be acknowledged, you may not be noticed, and you may not be rewarded, but all the same, dare to care and release life to people, things, and conditions.
Exclusive: Never Say You Don't Care. Dare To Care And See How You Will Release Life Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 20, 2017 Rating: 5 To care is to give serious meticulous and deliberate attention to something. When something is under someone's care it means that i...

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