Anna Sui gets Showcase in London - Sirealsilver

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Anna Sui gets Showcase in London


Anna Sui will become the first living American fashion designer to be the focus of a retrospective in the UK when an exhibition of her work opens at London’s Fashion and Textile Museum on Friday.

While Sui is well-known in the industry, having designed for four decades, her name might not be familiar to the average exhibition goer. This, in a sense, makes The World of Anna Sui particularly intriguing.
A portrait of Anna Sui
Naomi Campbell at an Anna Sui show, New York fashion week, 2003. 
 A creation - blue umbrella and matching dress - by Anna Sui during New York Fashion Week   2007.
Anna Sui gets Showcase in London Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 30, 2017 Rating: 5   Anna Sui will become the first living American fashion designer to be the focus of a retrospective in the UK when an exhibition o...

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