The Victims(Pt 16) "It's Okay. Talking Of Wendy, She Looked Really Sad On Our Wedding" - Sirealsilver

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The Victims(Pt 16) "It's Okay. Talking Of Wendy, She Looked Really Sad On Our Wedding"

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Our Honeymoon was accompanied by lots of trips to various places like Walt Disney World Of Universal studios, Miami, south beach, art deco and little Havana, Portland Nashville and we finally settled at Shan's house in Philadelphia.

I removed my dress and tossed it on the chair as soon as I got to our bedroom.

It was Spring in Philadelphia, and the dogwoods were finally in bloom. I had snipped off several branches and was now arranging them in a tall crystal vase.
Shan held my waist from behind and kissed me on my cheeks.

"My beautiful Wife!" he exclaimed. There was joy in his tone.

We had made love uncountable times at our honeymoon locations, and it was time to talk about work and our ambitions.

"When are you resuming work?" I broke the silence.

"In two days." He replied softly.

"After my project, I am suppose to resume as a model in your company or?"

"Baby, let's not talk about your working now, finish up with the project in school first." he said huskily, pulling me to himself and kissing me deep.

At first I was hesitant, I wanted to continue with my dogwoods, but his hand went beneath my robe and settled over one of my breast. My eyes closed, and I gave him my lips.

I was fairly panting by the time he raised his head. My hands slid over the fasteners on his trousers, and I opened them while he watched with his impatience.

He almost shot out of the chair when i pushed my clothes aside and touched him intimately, feeling him swell in his hands.

We made a passionate love and he kissed me all through until he ejaculated.

"Thank you baby." He whispered, breathing heavily.

My phone beeped, and when I reluctantly checked, it was Arusi.

"Hello Roomie, missing me already?" I asked excitedly.

"of course, I want to bring Fiona to you and your books, I also have something very important to talk about."

"Okay. I will send the driver to come pick you up in a jiffy." I said as I hung up the call.

"Is that Arusi?" Shan asked still breathing heavily under the duvet.

"Yeah, she is bringing some of my stuffs."

"that friend of yours that never liked me."

"Oh baby, she was just being protective of me. pardon her, she is like a sister to me now, she and Wendy."

"it's okay. talking of Wendy, she looked really sad on our wedding."

"she fell from a bathtub, she wasn't excited at all."

"Oh sad. good luck yo your friends, unlike me that doesn't have a single friend. you are my only friend." he said and gave a spontaneous laugh that took me by surprise.

Moments later, the driver went to pick Arusi and she was right on my couch patiently waiting for me.

"Beautiful house! looks like those big empires I see in movies." she said softly as Fiona jumped from her legs to mine, I gave her a soft kiss and cuddled her a bit.

"Thank you." I retorted and gave her a warm hug.

"First, before I hand over your stuffs, I have something to tell you."

"Okay, go ahead. As far as it's good news!"

"Andre proposed to me last night, we've had a date a couple of times and I think I like him, he loves me, I know it." she said, her voice trembling.

"oh I am happy for you Arusi!" I exclaimed and hugged her tight to myself.

Story written by VickyBon
The Victims(Pt 16) "It's Okay. Talking Of Wendy, She Looked Really Sad On Our Wedding" Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 29, 2017 Rating: 5 Our Honeymoon was accompanied by lots of trips to various places like Walt Disney World Of Universal studios, Miami, south beach, art d...

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