The Victims(Pt. 14) "Oh Roomy, So You Are Going To Leave Me In This Big House Alone Right?" - Sirealsilver

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The Victims(Pt. 14) "Oh Roomy, So You Are Going To Leave Me In This Big House Alone Right?"

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We left New Orleans in the early hours of the next day.
Shan's parents were heart warming and loving. They were excited that their only son will be walking down the aisle soon.

The sound of his father's laughter kept ringing in my head, his mother's beauty stalked in my imagination.

We had the usual women's talk and I got to know that Shan's mom had a best friend who married a Nigerian.

Shan and I talked eagerly about his parents until we got to Philadelphia.

"I am glad they loved you." He said excitedly, and gave a warm and wide smile.

"Yeah. I love them too." I said softly.

Shan's company driver dropped me at my house and then took Shan to the office. We gave each other a soft kiss.

I got home feeling guilty; I didn't tell Arusi that I wasn't coming home the previous night.

I stepped into the house with the mindset of apologizing first to her. I met Fiona being cuddled up in her arms, they were deeply asleep. My presence woke them up; "Hey. You are back."

"Yeah. I am just coming in from New Orleans, went to see Shan's parents."

"Okay, that's great. I hope they aren't Racists? It's hard for American parents to let their only son get betroth to a black woman."

"Surprisingly, they are not."

"Great. I want to apologize for what I said to you yesterday concerning Shan. I wasn't suppose to say that on your birthday. I am so sorry. I know you two love each other so much.

Just be careful." She said soothingly, then continued. "I just want you to be happily married like Wendy."

"Mine will be a blissful one indeed. Shan will change, he has promised. You see Arusi, I have never met a man like Shan in my entire life.

He gives me all I want. I grew up from a poor family, I don't wanna die in poverty.

In Nigeria, there is no guy who would do the things Shan does for me. Except maybe married men, but you hardly see them. He will change, he loves me."

"I hope so too. Or else I am gonna kick his ass this time. " She teased, and we both laughed in unison. Bending down, I placed a light kiss on Fiona's head.

"How is my new baby doing?" I held her in my hands and stroked her a bit.

"When is the Wedding?" Arusi asked anxiously.

"I don't know yet, but Shan's mom wants everything to be done fast, fast."

"Oh roomy, so you are going to leave me in this big house alone right?"

"Fiona and I will be visiting you, yeah. Fiona we are going to be visiting Arusi from Town right? " I said with faintly sneering smile.

"Andre got really sad yesterday. He has been calling to find out if you're fine."

"He should stop checking on me. I am going to be Shan's wife soon. He caused that fight between Shan and I in Maui."

I said with a serious face.

"Oh let me not forget to share the good news! I told you that Andre auditioned me at the last fashion class?" Arusi threw in another conversation.

"Well, we will be leaving for Paris Fashion week by weekend for my first runway walk, proudly sponsored by Ralph Lauren, and lots of fashion brands."

"Oh wow! Congratulations Arusi"

"And that's not all baby! we are going to be well paid. Andre promised to give me more opportunities after this one." She said delightedly.

"It seems you and Andre are getting along." I thought aloud.
"Well, he is my good friend." Arusi said casually.

Story Written By VickyBon
The Victims(Pt. 14) "Oh Roomy, So You Are Going To Leave Me In This Big House Alone Right?" Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 28, 2017 Rating: 5 We left New Orleans in the early hours of the next day. Shan's parents were heart warming and loving. They were excited that thei...

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