The Victims(Pt 13) "He Stayed At My Side, As He Watched Me Sip The Hot Coffee" - Sirealsilver

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The Victims(Pt 13) "He Stayed At My Side, As He Watched Me Sip The Hot Coffee"

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Shan thought of me to be beautiful, intelligent and the most desirable woman he had ever known. He loved my dress, but he didn't say, he only stared at it. I wore a lightweight blue and pink gingham gown.

After we had dinner, I expected Shan to drive me back to my house, but he drove back to his house.

"I missed your body." He whispered, while driving slowly towards his estate.

He noticed that I was shivering, he stopped the car and pulled out his jacket for me to wear.

When I got to his house, I made my way to his bedroom and threw myself on the bed like a child.

Shan walked into the room with two cups of hot coffee in a tray, he handed a cup to me, I sipped it bit by bit as I stared directly at him. He stayed at my side, as he watched me sip the hot coffee.

He watched my eyes closed, and I fell asleep. He touched my lips with his finger, and dragged my eyes open, then closed them again.

"I love you with my life." He said in broken whispers.

"I love you too." I said, opening one side of my eyes to glance at him.

Then he began to kiss me wholeheartedly. I buried my face in his neck, as he unhooked my bra and began to touch me erotically.
I woke up the next morning to the sound of my cell phone beeping. I was naked and lying on top a sound asleep Shan.

At some point in the night, we had made love a lot of times at night, and there was something oddly special about making love with Shan.

He woke up later to meet a well garnished food of spaghetti bolognese and fried Chicken.

"Thank you baby, I missed your delicacies." he said huskily as he stabbed a huge deep fried piece of orange chicken with a fork; The chicken made a crunching sound like he forced the fork into a lollipop.

He shoved the chicken into his mouth.
Baby this is really delicious." he said, munching the chicken noisily.

Moments later, Shan and I were fully dressed for New Orleans.
It took over three hours to get to new Orleans from Philadelphia. A driver was waiting for us at the airport.

When the driver sighted Shan and I, he hurriedly walked down and got our luggage.

He was an older man, whom we called papa in Nigeria, but he referred to us sir and ma'am.

"Welcome sir, good to have you in New Orleans ma'am." he said delightedly.

"Thank you." I nodded with a smile.

He opened the car door smartly, Shan gave a way for me to get into the car first, while he followed behind me.

We alighted at Shan's parents house on Claiborne avenue in a short while. A house so huge and classy. There were gardens, water fountains and beautiful flowers surrounding it.

A gust of wind ran danced through my hair as I stepped on the large bright lighted sitting room, filled with expensive decors.

"Welcome son." A white woman dressed in a native Indian attire walked out stylishly, followed by young girls dressed in same uniform and an apron attached to it.

The woman hugged Shan warmly, and then smiled widely at me before giving me a deeper hug.
"Welcome my Dear." She said excitedly.

"Your dad is inside, waiting anxiously for you two." She said, as she led the way through a corridor that led to an exclusive larger part of the house.

Story Written By VickyBon
The Victims(Pt 13) "He Stayed At My Side, As He Watched Me Sip The Hot Coffee" Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 28, 2017 Rating: 5 Shan thought of me to be beautiful, intelligent and the most desirable woman he had ever known. He loved my dress, but he didn't sa...

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