The Victims (Pt 2) "He Grabbed The Phone From Me And Smashed It On The Wall" - Sirealsilver

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The Victims (Pt 2) "He Grabbed The Phone From Me And Smashed It On The Wall"

Shan Elliot stood barefoot in his dimly lit room.
Just after we finished making love, he lighted a cigarette and inhaled deep, then exhaled. He was staring at the wall of his windows while I skimmed through a vogue magazine.

Shan is the oldest son of a wealthy Creole and African American parents. And also the heir apparent to take over their famous, family, fashion business.

His mother had a fashion label in America and France, they also had branches and distributors world wide.

The Elliot fashion label was a brand name that rang a bell in terms of expensive fashionable wears and accessories.

When I relocated to the US, Shan enrolled me in the university of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. I took up modelling as a course which he reluctantly accepted.

I wanted to support him too in his fashion business and bring up models who will promote the brand 'Elliot'.

While in Nigeria, I modelled for a few brands, but it was just once in a while business. I was naive when it
came to fashion and modelling, but Shan brought me into limelight and a grand exposure.

"I think you should come live with me here." He broke the silence.

"What about school?" I asked, looking amazed.

"The driver could drop you off daily. I really need you by my side now."

His words were almost like a plea, and I felt as if he had just touched my soul. I buried my face against his chest and felt his strong arms go around me.

"Not now Bebe. You know I will be doing my project presentation soon, I need to concentrate."

"I am scared someone might take you away from me. You are such a beautiful model Etiene." He said passionately, pronouncing my name orally like it was an English name.

"Nobody can take me away from you, do you understand that?"

He breathed in slowly and let his breath out before he could speak, and then his voice came out as a groan of despair.

"I don't like it when I see you with those guys in school."

"My course mates Shan?"

"I don't just like them around you. I don't wanna see my woman hanging around men. I don't hang around women.

Do you see me smile or share moments with those models at the office? Even though they flaunt their selves around me, I don't give them a face, because I have you."

I glanced up at him and saw his jaw muscles tightening.

"You are my Life, that's why a lot of times when you break my heart, I beat you up. it's just the craziest way I express my love. I give you everything, you should love me even more." He grappled for the right words.

His head descended, his breath brushing against my lips. "my love" he whispered, his lips moving along my jawline.

I turned my face to offer him my lips, and he took the offer. The sound of my phone interrupted us, it was Manasseh the class representative who called. Shan's countenance transformed to anger immediately.

"Who is Manna?" He asked, his eyes turning red.

"The class rep."

"A male class rep?"

"Yes." I replied with a trembling voice.

He grabbed the phone from me and smashed it on the wall.

My body shook instantly, I wanted to just vanish into the thin air. I went on my knees in a deep deliberately clumsy curtsy.
The Victims (Pt 2) "He Grabbed The Phone From Me And Smashed It On The Wall" Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 21, 2017 Rating: 5 Shan Elliot stood barefoot in his dimly lit room. Just after we finished making love, he lighted a cigarette and inhaled deep, then e...

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