By Charles Ogbu.
The situation in Damascus is like a tse-tse fly dancing 'azonto' on a man's scrotum. Kill it and risk inflicting pain far worse than the bite of the tse-tse fly. You might even 'injure' your testicles in the process.
Leave it and risk gifting the merciless little bastard with the pleasure of driving you crazy with pain.
To kill it without creating more problems for yourself, you need wisdom far greater than that of Solomon.
Pentagon bombing Damascus in anger over the reported use of chemical weapon by Assad is an impulsive action which will only worsen the situation.
First, there is concrete proof that chemical weapons were used in an attack in Rebel-held Khan Sheikhoun which left dozens of civilians including children dead.
But there is no concrete proof they were 'intentionally' used by the authorities in Damascus.
Syrian president, Bashir Assad has continued to maintain they would never use such weapon even against terrorists.
Russia has sworn the weapons were unintentionally released when Syria air strike hit a building where rebels were stockpiling them.
The Rebels have denied this. They blame Assad for using Sarin (a deadly nerve agent) on civilians.
As far as the American strong man, Donald Trump is concerned, Assad is the one running things in Syria and he is directly responsible for the poison gas attack. The real estate tycoon seem certain that Assad has crossed the red line, again.
And because his name is Trump, not Obama, he quickly ordered air strike against a military installation in Syria from where Pentagon believed the highly toxic gas poison attack on the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun was launched.
The question is, was the U.S 'retaliatory' air strike a strategic one aimed at ending the Syria bloodbath or was it a product of impulse meant just to prove a point?
Should the U.S not have waited for the full investigation ordered by the U.N before launching air strike against Assad?
The Syria war has dragged on for 7 years now. Moscow is solidly behind Assad. And the odd doesn't seem to be so much against Assad for now which left me wondering:
Does it sound logical that Assad would deliberately use chemical weapon on a civilian populated area knowing fully well that such an action would certainly draw outrage from the rest of the world and rob him of Allies while gifting his opponents with public sympathy????
I personally don't think so. He may be a butcher like his father but I don't think he's stupid. Only a bumbling fool will take such an extreme but unnecessary measure knowing the consequences.
In the unlikely event that Assad is removed from power, who gains and who losses??
The opposition Rebel fighters alone cannot hold Syria in the absence of Assad. ISIS terrorists will simply convert Syria to their headquarters.
We need not forget Libya in a hurry.
I must not be misconstrued as stylishly supporting a President killing his own people. I am simply advocating that the International community should put up a strategic plan towards bringing an end to the slaughter of innocent civilians including children in Syria.
So far, what we've seen is Moscow siding Damascus, Ankara pitching its tent with Assad's opponents, Pentagon being undecisive while the rest of the World plays the spectator.
Regrettably, none of these actions and inactions are informed by the need to protect ordinary Syrians from this senseless bloodshed.
How can the Syrian bloodshed be resolved without creating an even bigger problem in the region?
Get rid of Assad and watch Syria turn to another Libya or Iraq with the ISIS barbarians making Assad look like a saint. Leave Assad in power and watch the 7 year old war go on forever.
It is indeed a conundrum in Syria.
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