And then it happened; a bright flash light from outside light up the ceiling, causing us to squint against the glare.
I hugged my knees to my chest. I was sitting on the cold tile. It was late at night, I had jerked awake in a cold sweat.
Kambili's hands were tightly laced in mine.
The loud knock was heard again.
"Is anyone in there? "
it was a man's voice, he had an American accent.
"that's Benny the sheriff." Kambili said and walked towards the door speedily.
I ran behind her.
When we got to the door, she paused and opened the window gently.
"He is the one." she whispered and opened the door quickly.
A huge man dressed in a security uniform was standing right before us.
"ladies, please the neighborhood isn't safe. Creepers sneaked into town. All doors, windows should be locked and secured." He said. staring at us straight in the eyes.
" A bite comes with a virus, everyone should avoid it. good luck ladies." he walked away hastily.
Kambili closed the door immediately and ran to the other window to check of it were closed.
"Nne, I thought he came to tell us that he has found Kelechi. " she said in a low tone, her worried eyes flew to me.
"Kelechi is fine. " I said soothingly.
" I don't believe it." she said aloud. She clunked the mug down on the table and went briskly to get her phone in the bedroom. She came back already punching the number and stood facing the window, tapping a foot while she waited for an answer.
I sat quietly on the couch, watching her.
"network problems." she said, flinging the phone on the couch.
I walked slowly towards the window, trying to take my mind off the bloodthirsty reality that was lurking under their stoic facade.
I fluttered my eyes open, as something walked pass the frontage, staggering and looking strange, she looked so much like Kelechi and had a Christmas cap on her head.
I turned my attention to Kambili and watched her as she kept punching her cell phone.
I wanted to tell her about what I saw, but my heart said no.
The snowy ground that was whizzing past outside the window was nothing but magical.
it was stark and endless.
Just looking at it was sending shivers up my spine.
"let's go to bed Nne, we will leave for California very early in the morning." Kambili said softly.
After splashing some water on my face, my instincts asked me to pray, and I listened.
But the loud snore of Kambili interrupted me.
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