Unknown to many, there
are a number of scholarship programs in Belgium for international students
specifically for students from developing countries.
The Belgian Government, in
their efforts towards development cooperation, offers scholarships to foreign
students wishing to pursue further studies in Belgium. Belgian Universities
included in the top 100 World Universities has scholarship programs for
international students as well.
Type: Undergraduate, Bachelors, Postgraduate, Masters, PhD, Associate
Degree and Other Degrees
Note: These opportunities are offered in Belgium and/or in other partner countries.
Below are more scholarships available in Belgium for international students
- Fully-funded ARES Scholarships in Belgium for Developing Countries – You now have opportunity to do your Masters degree in Belgium under fully-funded Scholarships and Training. Apply now
- Fully Funded Biostatistics Scholarship in Belgium – Belgium Government Scholarship for International Students, Apply now
- Belgium Master Grants for Students from Developing Countries – Apply now
- CIUF-CUD Scholarships in Belgium for Developing Countries – opportunities to gain funding to study in Belgium for training or research at master’s level. Open to students internationally.
- VLIR-UOS Scholarships for Developing Countries – offering scholarships for students from developing countries in parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America to undertake training, research or study in Belgium at selected institutions. Win $4,170 to Study in Belgium.
- Ghent University Master Grants – offering scholarships for students from developing countries to undertake a scientific master’s degree at Ghent University in Belgium.
- KU Leuven Science Scholarships for International Students – the Science@Leuven scholarship is aimed at international students interested in undertaking study in Belgium at master’s level within the faculty of science at KU Leuven.
- KU Leuven IRO PhD Scholarships for Developing Countries – open to prospective PhD students from developing countries to study in Belgium within the Interfaculty Council for Development Cooperation at KU Leuven.
- Belgian American Education Foundation Fellowships - The Belgian American Educational Foundation (B.A.E.F.) encourages applications from citizens or permanent residents of the United States for fellowships for advanced study or research during one academic year, at a Belgian University or institution of higher learning. The B.A.E.F. will award up to ten fellowships each carrying a stipend of $27,000 for Master’s or Ph.D. students or $31,000 for Post-doctoral Fellows. Apply now
Now that all the information about Fully Funded Government
Scholarships in Belgium has been delivered nicely;
talented students who are eager to pursue their Free Tuition/Scholarships/Study
in Belgium can apply now.
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