His words:
"This has nothing to do with politics. By the grace of God, you have given me the opportunity to serve you twice; I would have gone to rest after my last constituency briefing.

But I have not had rest because each time I lay back, I remember there is still more to do for our people.
And for me, education is still the best and lasting form of empowerment that one can give to anybody. So I am not doing this for politics but for the sheer reason that I love my people and my people love me.

“The purchase of forms 150 qualified students from across Nsit Ubium is in line with the free and compulsory education policy of His Excellency, Deacon Udom Gabriel Emmanuel.
He has made education free and compulsory for our people from primary to secondary levels. I believe it is in the place of individuals like us and corporate organizations to take over from there.
This is why a significant portion of my constituency development effort is channelled towards intellectual capacity development especially at the tertiary level.”
-Barr. Luke was addressing his constituents and over 150 'JAMBites' he did three things for.
1. Buying them UTME forms.
2. Registering them for free.
3. Providing them with free training preparatory for the CBT.
His people; elders, youth, women and schools children who came out in large number are currently praying for him, Govenor Udom Emmanuel and Akwa Ibom people, that God should use the blood of Jesus Christ and make peace reign in our State. They also beseech God to bless Onofiok Luke.
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