Photos: Gov Udom Emmanuel Fetes Akwa Ibom Traders Doles Out Cash To President Association Of Petty Traders - Sirealsilver

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Photos: Gov Udom Emmanuel Fetes Akwa Ibom Traders Doles Out Cash To President Association Of Petty Traders

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A total of two hundred traders across the thirty one local government area of Akwa Ibom State today smiled home as one of their own and president associations of Petty Business Men ,Pastor Samuel Moses went home with a cash donation of five hundred thousand naira (#500,000) by HE the governor of Akwa Ibom State Mr Udom Emmanuel.

Addressing the traders at tevoli hotel, uyo the state governor Mr Udom Emmanuel who was represented by the special assistant to the Akwa Ibom State governor on Trade matters Mr Idorenyin Raphael said the gesture was part of his fulfillment of a lifetime passion to always assist the traders, playing hosts to their Unquantified contributions to the betterment of the government and the society.
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He said that the package was indeed a stall of seed been put in to be utilised and grow their business as well improve their well-being .
The governor while presenting the cash donation to the President associations of Petty Business Men in Akwa Ibom, Pastor Samuel Moses noted that the donation was in support of his child's dedication on Sunday the 23rd of April, 2017 ,maintaining that his unflinching support to the government and contributions to the trade business as fetch him this golden opportunity.
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In his responds the beneficiary appreciated God for the opportunity stressing it is a golden one, he also thanked the governor for honouring him with a cash donation noting it is unprecedented,sighting that it has never been performed by any administration.
Pastor Moses also appreciated Mr Idoreyin Raphael now in his capacity as the special assistant to the Akwa Ibom State governor on Trade matters for his good works in the ministry, noting with substantial emphasis that he is the best Nigeria has ever produced.
In his closing words Pst. Moses urge the traders to continue supporting the government's stride and the 2019 saga of re-electing Gov Udom Emmanuel back to seat,pointing out that he is going nowhere as he will join hands in re-electing the governor as a reciprocative means for the good gesture.
The event featured goodwill messages to the state governor Mr udom Emmanuel and wife Mrs Martha,emphasis on the important of getting enrolled in the ongoing voters card registration and also a resounding echo "Udom Ayamba-Eti MKPO Urua"

Enobong Ituen ,Reporting
Photos: Gov Udom Emmanuel Fetes Akwa Ibom Traders Doles Out Cash To President Association Of Petty Traders Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 21, 2017 Rating: 5 A total of two hundred traders across the thirty one local government area of Akwa Ibom State today smiled home as one of their own an...

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