M A N O F T H E P E O P L E! Engr Edenseting Engaging The Youths In Some Meaningful Pep Talk (Photos) - Sirealsilver

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M A N O F T H E P E O P L E! Engr Edenseting Engaging The Youths In Some Meaningful Pep Talk (Photos)

Image may contain: 1 person

Engr. Ben Edenseting:
• Anointed by God
• Blessed by the elders
• Supported by the women and
• Loved by the youths

It’s always inspirational chatting with him. As academically and materially loaded as he is, he still thinks more about Udung Uko than he thinks about himself and family.

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people sitting, tree and outdoor

You’ll see from afar his modesty, maturity and humility. And when you get closer to him, his charisma speaks for itself.

The pictures you’ve seen are that of Engr. Edenseting’s somewhat jettison of his cousin’s traditional marriage, choosing instead to engage the youths in some meaningful pep talk.

 Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting and outdoor
A mere listening to him will lead to one’s self conviction that he is the real deal for a new Udung Uko we deservingly desire.

So, if you are from Udung Uko and you have yet to identify with this great vision, the door of partnership for progress, development and blessing of our land is still wide open.
Oje badi Udung Uko! ….. Uwei
M A N O F T H E P E O P L E! Engr Edenseting Engaging The Youths In Some Meaningful Pep Talk (Photos) Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 29, 2017 Rating: 5 Engr. Ben Edenseting: • Anointed by God • Blessed by the elders • Supported by the women and • Loved by the youths It’s alway...

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