As normal routine to read through messages and information from
well-wishers, I came to a cross-point where many argument ensured about
the causes of early and surprising death been witnessed in Nigeria
presently among the RICH & POOR citing that of Senator Isiaka
Adeleke as an example.
Don Mike Aquila plead no reservations in his reaction about the Honourable Senator ISIAKA ADELEKE who was said to have gone for a meeting and was also at a ceremonies the day before he died.
"He came home and complained of calf pain, he was given injections and later was confirmed dead.....
He said "I can stake money that the late Honourable senator died from Pulmonary embolism or inferior myocardial infarction.
How many hospitals if any in Nigeria has facilities for D-Dimer, CT angiogram and ventilation - perfusion scans?
How many hospitals in Nigeria has facilities for arterial blood gas measurements ?
Does Nigeria have functioning emergency services?
How many Nigerian pulmonologists and cardiologists HAVE EVER USED RETEPLASE?
Are we not tired of a country where a neurosurgeon cannot do surgeries because there is no hot water in theater or a country where the Intensive care unit in a hospital is only 8 beds with only one infusion pump that is not working but has the local government chairman going home with 200 million naira per month?
We await the autopsy results but this is another reminder to the Nigerian big man class that when death strikes....their money cannot save them especially where they have under equipped Hospitals and poorly trained staff who only read about the use of these facilities IN TEXTBOOKS.
There are some deaths that will kill you Nigerian politician within hours before you can unsuccessfully enter a plane to fly for 12 hours or more to reach any western country for medical care.
Even your air ambulance will not save you.
There are many things to do with 50 million dollars than keeping it in a SAFE in ikoyi building without an owner.
May the Nigerian thieving and stupid political class and So called idiotic elite RECEIVE SENSE."
When he expected me to give a respond to his submission, I said 'life is a walking death'...
Since the day of my birth, I learned that my death began it's walk. It is always walking toward me, without hurrying.
The timing and the causes of death, like the ending of a story, gives a changed meaning to what precedes and drives our sensibility.
Rest in Peace Senator Isiaka Adeleke, my condolences goes to your immediate family, Supporters and well-wishers you left behind.
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