![Image may contain: 1 person, standing and suit](https://scontent.flos2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15267829_1164269783668342_4656169580825052204_n.jpg?_nc_eui2=v1%3AAeGyAKBZMCUiIPddZTGz84OISlicKtxG5VdOmhDLuuGCjcMLqA76NsaqWmnMzG-ogpVnhWa55ys-yPlsTcRtiD_agXkqWvlY2Uco6roPpfKvNQ&oh=f841675eb624769decd1908b73dbce6c&oe=59820E69)
Genesis 8:22 KJV
“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”
The day God made this statement everything changed in the earth. A new law was proclaimed and survival was redefined that day.
Survival was not determined anymore by how hard you worked or laboured alone, but by how smart you worked. Smart work is knowledge based work, it is strategic work, it is a mind engaging work.
The earth needs several seasons to survive. Imagine that the earth had only cold seasons, people would freeze to death and production by farming will be impossible because there would be no sun for photosynthesis. Heat seasons alone will kill people also.
There has to be night so people can be reminded to rest without which people will die from overworking themselves and exhaustion.
Night seasons alone means either everlasting sleep or serious difficulty with working and even walking.
Most importantly, there has to be seed time and harvest for the world to survive. The earth must sow up vapour; by means of evaporation, and then the skies will respond in another season with rain. Without this the earth will not survive.
Man must sow seed into the earth and then the earth processes it and gives us harvest, or we will all die. Man must give his waste to the earth so the earth can be fertile enough to give harvest.
You invest to make profit or dividends. Man must breathe out carbon-dioxide for the plants, and then they will produce oxygen for us to survive.
Simply put, where there is no output and input life will cease, and consumption without contribution equals death as well.
In summary, if you do not practice regular seed sowing, you will not be able to survive economically. This truth is universal, no one can fight it. Just do it.
-Read this piece all over again.
-Program yourself to sow to certain areas of church and society at large.
-Be seed conscious and you will never lack harvests.
-Lord make me a sower in Jesus Name.
-Lord deepen my understanding of seed time and harvest in Jesus Name.
If you do not practice regular seed sowing, you will not survive economically.
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