Exclusive: Udom Under Fire! Former Commissioner Accuses AKS Gov of Undermining Calls For Mobil's Relocation to A'Ibom - Sirealsilver

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Exclusive: Udom Under Fire! Former Commissioner Accuses AKS Gov of Undermining Calls For Mobil's Relocation to A'Ibom

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By Dan Etokidem

A former Commissioner for Agriculture in Akwa Ibom State, Prof Etok Ekanem, has berated Akwa Ibom State Governor, Udom Emmanuel for sponsoring negative media attacks on the Managing Director of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Mr Nsima Ekere, describing the write ups as childish, nasty and unjustifiably, targeted at denting and damaging the image and reputation of Obong Nsima Ekere.

In an open letter addressed to the Akwa Ibom State Governor, the University of Uyo Don regretted that over the last couple of weeks, the social media and local print media in Akwa Ibom State, have been awash with senseless and reckless stories, describing Obong Nsima Udo Ekere, former Deputy Governor of the State and the incumbent MD/CEO of the Niger Delta Development Commission ( NDDC ), as an armed robber, kidnapper and all manner of derogatory names.

According to Prof Ekanem, armed robbery and kidnapping are very serious criminal offenses, which carry the death penalty in our jurisdiction, noting with dismay that the Governors desperation and incivility is a new low for Deacon Udom Emmanuel and his regime.

He said beyond the social media, the baseless articles against Obong Nsima Ekere have gone viral, they have been conspicuously published in a number of local tabloids in the State, such as the Nigerian Pulse, Anchor Express and Global Pilot Newspapers, all of which are well known channels of serial blackmail and baseless attacks by agents of the Governor against his perceived enemies.

In his words, "Essentially, these “enemies” are persons who dare complain about the ongoing misdirection of the State and/or, whom the Administration sees as posing a threat to the continuation of the misrule of the State (our common patrimony and heritage) and the deception of the people.

As is well-known, the tabloids named, are among those financed by the Akwa Ibom State Government through some aides of the Governor, who own and run them. Obong Nsima Udo Ekere, an armed robber, a kidnapper?".

He explained that Ekere’s appointment and subsequent inauguration into office as the MD of NDDC, early November, 2016, was received with exceeding joy, enthusiasm and gratitude to President Muhammadu Buhari, by Akwa Ibom people.

"The people turned out in their masses to celebrate Obong Nsima Ekere and the appointment, at his inauguration in Abuja, in November, 2016. Those who could not make it to Abuja, celebrated in their own ways back home and everywhere else.

All of these, because they knew what Obong Nsima Ekere’s appointment as MD of the NDDC held in stock for Akwa Ibom State and the Niger Delta Region, in general", he stated.

He lambasted Udom for not being happy and comfortable with the appointment of Obong Nsima Ekere as MD/CEO of the NDDC.

Hear him, "The Government of Akwa Ibom State did not identify with Obong Nsima Ekere’s appointment in any manner whatsoever, and was conspicuously absent at his inauguration. The Governor was neither present nor represented",

Continuing, he said, "The Government’s action and behaviour were directly opposite the collective action and behaviour of the people.

Extreme joy and happiness on the part of the people, extreme sadness and bitterness on the part of the Government. Expectedly, Akwa Ibom people reacted sharply and massively to the Government’s negative posture and attitude to Obong Nsima Ekere’s appointment. Ditto for President Muhammadu Buhari’s appointments of other Akwa Ibom citizens - including Senator Udoma Udo Udoma, Honourable Minister of Budget and National Planning, Senator Ita Solomon James Enang, Senior Special Adviser to the President on National Assembly Matters (Senate ), Obong Umana Okon Umana, MD/CEO, Nigeria Oil and Gas Export Free Zone and others - to their positions in his Federal Government".

Describing the regime as anti people, and using the clamour for the relocation of the headquarters of Mobil to Akwa Ibom State as an example, Prof Ekanem said, characteristically, MPN and the anti -Akwa Ibom forces in South-West Nigeria have kicked against the move to cause the Company to relocate its Headquarters to Akwa Ibom.

"In all of these, what is the attitude and action of the Akwa Ibom State Government and our Representatives in the Legislator? The Administration has ignored, both the directive of the Federal Government and the subsequent clamour of the citizens of the State.

All we have heard in the Media, is that Deacon Udom Emmanuel has asked MPN to give him 24 months to provide what the Company needs to relocate", he stated.

He now dropped the clincher: "We have not been told what those needs are. The Akwa Ibom State Governor is now the person helping to find, and provide MPN with reasons and excuses not to relocate to Akwa Ibom State. The momentum has been lost, and the move is about being killed by Deacon Udom Emmanuel, the Governor, because Akwa Ibom people are happy about the envisaged relocation, and stand to gain tremendously from it. The Administration truly, detests and loathes anything that gives the people joy and comfort".

He expressed delight that since his appointment and assumption of duties at the NDDC, in 2016, Obong Nsima Ekere has clearly shown that the confidence reposed in him by President Muhammadu Buhari, on behalf of the Nigerian people, was not misplaced.

"Obong Nsima Ekere has clearly, shown that the great joy and enthusiasm with which Akwa Ibom people and the Niger Delta Region at large, received his appointment as NDDC MD, was not in vain. He is, demonstrably, discharging his duties and functions, very creditably, across the nine States of the Region", he declared.

Hear him: "In Akwa Ibom State, Obong Nsima Ekere’s NDDC is fixing infrastructure everywhere. Scores of abandoned roads are being rehabilitated in Uyo, the Capital City, as well as various other parts of the State. Virtually all the hitherto abandoned earth roads in Ewet Housing Estate in Uyo, are being constructed by the NDDC, under Obong Nsima Ekere. Many more projects have been lined up for execution in the State and Region in the coming months, by the Commission".

He reminded the Governor that having been deceived and fooled with endless project ground breaking ceremonies and road billboard Industrialization by the Deacon Udom Emmanuel regime since inception on May 29, 2015 and having been stripped and starved of joy, pleasure, comfort, and having lived without hope since the regime came on board, Akwa Ibom people are naturally very excited and happy with Obong Nsima Ekere for his sincerity of purpose in the work he is doing for the State and Niger Delta region in general at the NDDC.

"For relieving Akwa Ibom people of their sufferings and pains, for giving Akwa Ibom people joy, pleasure and comfort and for making Akwa Ibom people happy, Obong Nsima Ekere has hurt the Hilltop Mansion", he declared.

According to the former Commissioner, for showing that leadership can be honest and sincere with the people, and that public projects can be taken beyond ground breaking, Obong Nsima Ekere has embarrassed the Hilltop Mansion.

For showing Akwa Ibom people through his honest work in infrastructure development and improvement, that it is deceptive and immoral for the Government of the State to isolate, construct and beautifully tar, just about one kilometre of the Ikot Oku Ikono – Ekom Iman -Etinan road at the conspicuous Asan Ibibio axis, and cause its agents, to take photographs of that isolated portion and post same on Facebook, with deceitful claims that the Government had completed the road project, and that the pictures posted represent the current state and condition of the entire stretch of road, when in fact and verifiable reality on ground, over 95% of the road stretch has not even been bulldozed, Obong Nsima Ekere has exposed the dishonesty and self-ridicule of the Hilltop Mansion.

Continuing, he said that for demonstrating that a leader can be humble, treat his people with respect, and not call them idiots, fools and illiterates, Obong Nsima Ekere has offended the Hilltop Mansion.

"For beginning to chart a course of progress, out of their present state of hopelessness and helplessness, and giving Akwa Ibom people the hope of getting out of their bandage, Obong Nsima Ekere has seriously unsettled and destabilized the Hilltop Mansion".

"For all of what Obong Nsima Ekere has done for Akwa Ibom people and the State, to the obvious displeasure of the Administration in Uyo, the Hilltop Mansion has released and unleashed its attack dogs on the NDDC Chief Executive.

They have, since his assumption of duties at the NDDC, engaged in continuous mudsligings against him. They have thrown all kinds of darts at him. They have cast aspersions on his person to discredit him and his work" he said.

"Now, they have called him an armed robber and kidnapper. I know that there is obviously, some deep and palpable fear about Obong Nsima Ekere in the Uyo Hilltop Mansion.

I also know that Akwa Ibom people are fully aware of this fear. Armed robbers and kidnappers are hardened criminals who are ordinarily feared".

He stated that the sole purpose of his letter to the Governor was to ask Udom a simple question of whether or not Obong Nsima Udo Ekere is an armed robber and kidnapper as alleged by the Akwa Ibom State Governor.
Exclusive: Udom Under Fire! Former Commissioner Accuses AKS Gov of Undermining Calls For Mobil's Relocation to A'Ibom Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 18, 2017 Rating: 5 By Dan Etokidem A former Commissioner for Agriculture in Akwa Ibom State, Prof Etok Ekanem, has berated Akwa Ibom State Governor, Ud...

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