Cowardice Or Courage; President Jonathan Redefined! - Sirealsilver

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Cowardice Or Courage; President Jonathan Redefined!

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By Chris O. Maduka

How do we even define courage? Who is more courageous a General that lost or ceded part of Nigeria to Cameroon or a leader that defied all pressure from the most powerful nations and leaders and did what is right and acceptable by the people, by signing the anti gay marriage bill into law.

This single act of courage stood Jonathan out as a man if tremendous courage.

This singular act was what earned the enmity of the Obama Administration, and the call for regime change. So please all these talking heads should define courage for us.

In short, blaming Jonathan and calling him clueless, coward or weak has been overtaken by the aftermat realities and events that followed his defeat. I think people really need to look critically at the entire Jonathan Era and decide exactly what they are blaming the past President for.

Is it that he was not brutal as Nigerians are used to brute force? Is it that he believed in one Nigeria and that even the issue of extremism that led to terrorism should be tackled holistically by championing education and certain level of development in the North even at the expense of his own place.

Is it because he upheld the rule of law and understood that democracy must to be nurtured and groomed to maturity by allowing dissenting views and vibrant opposition? Is it because he allowed all Nigerians to have shot at the Nigerian dream contrary to win the war mentality of most people?.

How come we failed to understand that besides tribal issue and political party that we have the military establishment that Jonathan was and is not part of.

How come we did not see the gang up? How come we failed to realize that we are all bloody civilians as far as the military establishment is concenred.

Obama was against Jonathan because, Jonathan's master plan was going to eat into Americans and Westerner nations purse; automobile masterplan, rice and ageic master plan, and so many others Regardless of the hyped up stealing and the corruption realities Nigeria was getting it right under Jonarhan.

It is not going to happen overnight night, and even him Jonathan recognized and admitted such.

I supported Jonathan and not PDP, not because he was perfect but because he was Normal, he is one of us. He was a New tone in Asorock and his tenure couldve come and gone and rule of law and democratic norms would've been taking deeper roots.

All the alternatives were abnormal as they suffer from some kind of postwar military traumatic syndrome and psychological problems that is not right for nation building.
I supported Jonathan because I realized that America under Obama was heading the wrong way and pitching tent with the wrong side in the prevailing clash of civilizations.

Obama's support for APC, Buhari against Jonathan simply amounts to An American President, Say Ronald Reagan for istance supporting a communist leaning leader in the middle of the cold war, say; Supporting President Doss Santos of communist MPLA against Democratic Jonas Savimbi UNITAS.

It was an aberration which the historians and future analyst will attempt to unravel why an American President and leader of the free world will support and actually physically participated in the defeat of a Southern Christian President in favour of what is clearly the arrow head and leading figure in the on going clash of civilizations.

I made this clear in my submissions to people that mattered in the last campaign. I told them that the last elections was not "local content only".

There was clearly foreign influence. David Axelrod, Obama Chief strategist was here physically to ensure that there was a regime change.

That's why the euphoria for some of us was endless at the defeat of Hilary Clinton and by extension Obama.

He deserve that defeat and when history will be written he will be recognized as a president of African descent who left Africa far worse than he met it.

He will also be remembered as a man who attempted to destroy what's left of Africa; her traditional family unit and moral fabric through gay marriage and other dysfunctional social vices he sort to export down to Africa.

Little wonder he hated President Joanthan; he quietly and respectfully defied him and signed the anti gay marriage bill into law.

Am glad he's fast fading away as the world and historians will be left to judge his presidency as it relates to the African continent.
Cowardice Or Courage; President Jonathan Redefined! Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 28, 2017 Rating: 5 By Chris O. Maduka How do we even define courage? Who is more courageous a General that lost or ceded part of Nigeria to Cameroon or ...

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