In the year nineteen hundred and ninety six, it was joy that surpassed human comprehension when we were upgraded to a Local Government Status.
This, I must gratefully concur was through the efforts of patriotic sons and daughters of Udung Uko whose names are too numerous to mention here.
But you know I am willing to bet that the present state of Udung Uko was the least our founding heroes ever bargained for or even expected.
Yes, our founding fathers (I mean the very ones who fought through thick and thin for the actualization of Udung Uko LGA) meant well for us.
I can say convincingly say that they had quality education, ICT, good business environment, smooth access roads etc in mind for us as at when they were struggling for the aforementioned course.
But what happens today? What differences have we been able to spot between 1996 and now? None in absoluteness! We have been wallowing in the same rural status we found ourselves from time immemorial till now – no roads, no bank, no good market, no ICT centre etc, I’ll say it unequivocally again that Udung Uko as far as infrastructural development is concerned, cannot in any way measure up with any other Local Government of this State.
Now having said that, here is a question which every right thinking, forward looking and patriotic son/daughter of Udung Uko should answer: “SHOULD WE CONTINUE LIKE THIS?” Personally, my response would be GOD FORBID!
Why should we continue like this in a moving world of today? Even if a curse was placed on us (of which I know we aren’t under any), we would break it and move on… how can we be lagging behind in the world where things are now done electronically/digitally? Where other Local Government Areas are investing in agriculture, education, ICT etc for the betterment of their people; we must rise, act and yield!
This is no longer a time for wanton politicking, neither is it a time for sentiment paddled complacency… it is also not a time when stark illiterate, civically and globally blind fellows with nothing to offer are given the chairmanship seat for their personal aggrandizement and self gratification.
This is a time when every citizen of Udung Uko must rise, redefine and work out their future!
We must not do it for any political party; for no party is greater than Udung Uko…no party is greater than our future. Political party did not make us, we made political party.
We must think of our future and that of Udung Uko first. We must work not just for ourselves, but also for posterity.
We hope for a new Udung Uko. The Udung Uko that we will be proud of; the Udung Uko that can confidently compete in the league of Local Government Areas of this State in particular and Nigeria at large.
Interestingly, we have a lot of men and women that are coming out to champion this course and after carefully accessing them, their vision and blueprint; I will gladly unveil my choice aspirant in the continuation of this piece.
It is not just a time for cheap talks and empty swears; it is a time to get involved. Yes, we must all get involved!
I, Joshua Osung, a native of Udung Osung Uror - Eyotai am involved… I need a new Udung Uko, and I have found the one who will make it happen!
What about you?
Yak Ahta ọdiọñ Udung Uko!
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