A Call To Serve God Forcefully - P. Ezekiel Atang - Sirealsilver

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A Call To Serve God Forcefully - P. Ezekiel Atang

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Luke 14:23 KJV
“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”

There is a stage in our walk with God when things don't just come naturally. In the initial stage of our walk with God, a lot of things we do for God will seem to be a task, largely because they take us away from our comfort zones. That is where serving God forcefully becomes a necessity.

There is a stage where our service becomes very pleasant and passionate. It is a stage that results from months and years of constant practice through repetitive operation of specific actions in the course of service. 
There are two major areas of service we ought to get used to in our walk with God, and they are in-house service and outdoor service to God. 

In-house service refers to everything you do to make the work of God prosper and go forward within the house of God, or your local church. This is done by signing up to work or serve in a service group or department in your church. 

There are countless number of departments within a local church where your gifts, talents and passion can find expression. And you don't need to wait to feel like it before you join the work force of your local assembly, do it forcefully.

There is the outdoor service to God that we engage in, and this speaks of missions and evangelism. This is mostly activities we engage in that brings people into the kingdom of God. It is the conversion of sinners to saints or seekers of God. Jesus had commanded us to go into all the world, preach to every creature, and to make disciples of them. 

This is where the most force is needed. Much force is required here because there is a devil that doesn't want them saved, and there is the love for pleasure in most men that will make them reluctant about following Jesus. 

Also, there is the spirit of excuse in those that God wants to send to the fields to do the end time harvest for Him. In our text, the master commanded that they be compelled to come in so his house could be full. 

The house of God will never be full until we apply the force of compelling people; what the Greek dictionary calls "anagkazo". This means to necessitate, compel and constrain people to come into the kingdom and His house.
Receive grace for forceful service to God in Jesus Name.

i) Determine to end all forms of excuses with regards to service from today.
ii) Live a balanced life by engaging in both indoor and outdoor service to God. Don't let anyone of them suffer in your life.
iii) Ask God for deep zeal for Him and His work, so you can serve Him faithfully and acceptably.
-Lord please consume me with your zeal the way you did it for Jesus Christ.
-Lord I deploy all my energies and faculties for your service today; please help me with your grace in Jesus Name.
-I receive the blessing and anointing of both indoor and outdoor service to You in Jesus Name.


The house of God will never be full until we apply the force of compelling people.
A Call To Serve God Forcefully - P. Ezekiel Atang Reviewed by sirealsilver on April 23, 2017 Rating: 5 Luke 14:23 KJV   “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my hou...

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