See pictures of a caring man covering up 'pretty lady' who ran mad on the road in broad daylight - Sirealsilver

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See pictures of a caring man covering up 'pretty lady' who ran mad on the road in broad daylight

Caring man covers up 'pretty lady' who ran mad on the road in broad daylight (photos)

According to the video which was made available on Facebook by, Lizzy Solos, the pretty lady was seen talking to herself as she walked on the road without her clothes. Her hair was neatly packed and she was seen carrying a pink handbag as well.

Caring man covers up 'pretty lady' who ran mad on the road in broad daylight (photos)

 A Good Samaritan decided to show love to her, so he walked up to the young lady, as he wrapped a cloth around her to cover her ‘bare skin’.

We still have some good men....Lol
See pictures of a caring man covering up 'pretty lady' who ran mad on the road in broad daylight Reviewed by sirealsilver on March 01, 2017 Rating: 5 According to the video which was made available on Facebook by, Lizzy Solos, the pretty lady was seen talking to herself as she walked ...

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