"Donald Trump" A kinder, gentler president at Congress - Sirealsilver

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"Donald Trump" A kinder, gentler president at Congress

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At least for one night, Donald Trump put aside the bombast and bellicosity of a campaign that seemed to bleed into his presidency. On a presidential stage, he acted and sounded not unlike presidents of the past. Presidential, even.

In his first address to a joint session of Congress, after a tumultuous first month in office, Mr Trump delivered a conventional speech in a conventional manner. That it was unexpected, and that the bar for success was knee-high at best, is life in the age of Trump.

Yes, much of the content was the same - the calls for a border wall, the (unfounded) allegations that undocumented immigrants are prone to crime, the full-throated exposition of an "America first" economic nationalism and the warning that US allies must pay their fair share - but the delivery was smooth and polished.

There was a moment before the speech when cameras captured Mr Trump in his armoured limousine, rehearsing his lines. Practice, it seems, made good, if not perfect. For once, Donald Trump's delivery was spoken, not shouted. He appeared poised, not petulant; forceful, not forced.
"Donald Trump" A kinder, gentler president at Congress Reviewed by sirealsilver on March 01, 2017 Rating: 5 At least for one night, Donald Trump put aside the bombast and bellicosity of a campaign that seemed to bleed into his presidency. ...

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