Development of Technical Education, a Panacea for Sustainable Development in AKS - Hon. Samuel Ufuo - Sirealsilver

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Development of Technical Education, a Panacea for Sustainable Development in AKS - Hon. Samuel Ufuo

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Hon. Samuel Asuquo Ufuo

Today at plenary session, Honourable Member Representing Mbo State Constituency and Chairman House Committee on Education, Hon. Samuel Asuquo Ufuo moved a motion for the Development of Technical Education as a Panacea for Sustainable Development in Akwa Ibom State. Read more below...

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school"
The global economy today is driven by technology. Entrepreneurship has taken the centre stage in economic development of the world. 

 Professional based and job oriented technical and vocational programmes are prerequisite for national development. The type and quality of education available to a state or nation determine the height of its socio-economic and political attainment.

Our competitiveness as a state or nation depends largely on the competitive people who are educated, skilled, creative and adaptable. This can only be made possible by technical education. 

Technical Education is based on the recognition that technology paves way for the present as well as the future of human existence since the future is guaranteed by innovations.

Hon. Ufuo maintained that technical education and vocational training provide students with knowledge and skills and highlighted the following:
1. It supports and develops creative thinking.
2. The content of technical subjects is oriented towards the practical side of the outside world.
3. It allows students to recognize their professional orientation for harmonious and holistic development of   their personalities by applying their skills and talents to real life as well as labour market.
4. It helps in maximizing information communication technologies.
5. It helps students in natural development with good feeling, self confidence, self realization, new attitudes, values in relation to work, people, technology and environment.

The Mbo Lawmaker stressed that economic and social political evolution in all ages are significantly influenced by technological progress, hence the application of technical knowledge is a prerequisite for a successful society. 

Naturally, some people are more oriented to work than academic and the progress of any state lies in the productivity of its citizens. Therefore, the importance of technical and vocational training in schools cannot be overemphasized.

The Aristotle of the 6th Assembly prayed the State Government;
1. To create at least a technical school in each of the 31 Local Government Areas of the State or some secondary schools be converted to technical schools for smooth take off.
2. The existing seven technical schools should be equipped with standard workshop.
3. Resuscitate the technical school at Ikot Ada Idem, Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area.

"Mr Speaker, Distinguished Honourable colleagues, on behalf of the good people of Mbo State Constituency who gave me their mandate to speak for them in this hollowed chamber, I, Hon. Samuel Asuquo Ufuo hereby move the motion for the Development of Technical Education as a Panacea for Sustainable Development in Akwa Ibom State and let it be so moved!". Ufuo conluded.

The House unanimously supported the motion and the Speaker, Rt. Hon Barr. Onofiok Luke mandated the Clerk of the House, Mrs Mandu Umoren to communicate the resolution of the House to the State Government and relevant authorities for prompt action.

Source.....Marshal Abia
Development of Technical Education, a Panacea for Sustainable Development in AKS - Hon. Samuel Ufuo Reviewed by sirealsilver on March 09, 2017 Rating: 5     Hon. Samuel Asuquo Ufuo Today at plenary session, Honourable Member Representing Mbo State Constituency and Chairman House Commi...

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