Beauty and the Beast: Russia sets to ban 'gay moment' in new film - Sirealsilver

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Beauty and the Beast: Russia sets to ban 'gay moment' in new film

Beauty and the Beast

Russian officials are coming under pressure to check if Disney's new film Beauty and the Beast breaches the country's law against "gay propaganda".

One MP described it as "shameless propaganda of sin" and Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky said action would be taken after the checks.

The live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast features Disney's first ever gay character and love scene.
A Russian law prohibits the spreading of "gay propaganda" among minors.

Emma Watson in Beauty and the Beast
 Emma Watson plays resourceful heroine Belle in the live-action remake 

Beauty and the Beast: Russia sets to ban 'gay moment' in new film Reviewed by sirealsilver on March 04, 2017 Rating: 5 Russian officials are coming under pressure to check if Disney's new film Beauty and the Beast breaches the country's law ag...

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