Apst. Johnson Suleiman laughs off purported sexual allegation - Sirealsilver

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Apst. Johnson Suleiman laughs off purported sexual allegation

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 Apst. Johnson Suleman

The Senior Pastor of Omega Fire Ministries, Apostle Jonson Suleiman, has reacted through his verifiable twitter handle"@APOSTLESULEMAN" to the snap chat photographs released by his alleged girlfriend, Stephanie Otobo. He says the allegation is politically motivated.

"Every voice has an invoice. the church is standing strong" Suleiman
Read below as shared from his twitter handle....

Apst. Johnson Suleiman laughs off purported sexual allegation Reviewed by sirealsilver on March 07, 2017 Rating: 5  Apst. Johnson Suleman The Senior Pastor of Omega Fire Ministries, Apostle Jonson Suleiman, has reacted through his verifiable twit...

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