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 By Joshua Osung

Let men start by saying that it is only a complete fool that will believe the cock and bull, half cooked and useless oral vomited trash coming from the devil’s incarnate so called Stephanie Otobo. Any sane human will know from afar that the lady in question represents darkness.

Any Christian in this country who is still oblivious of the fact that some cabal and so-called mighty men of this country are ready to journey any mile just to put the Nigerian Christianity in sham, needs an urgent as well as a proper medication.

I dare say that Apostle Johnson Suleiman is going through this because of his stance against injustice and impunity in this contraption. Recall his open condemnation of several bloody killings by the Fulani militant of which he also urged Christians to defend themselves by whatever means.

Recall also that he was almost bullied away from his hotel room by the DSS at the instance of the Federal government, but not for the intervention of Governor Ayo Fayose. Most times, it climes beyond a mere co-incidence that an evil bird would cry in the night and a child dies in the morning.

Whatever allegation the slut called Stephanie Otobo levels against the man of God, bear in mind that it is not just a plan from a deadly cabal but a calculated attempt to drag Apostle Suleiman and indeed the entire Christianity into their carefully prepared mud.

For those Christians who have sold out their thinking faculty to politics and political party affiliation, I pity you! You should know that this particular persecution may be just an ice break – more may be coming.

When the chips are down, it will not just affect us, but our coming generations as well. This was how it started in Turkey – scare them first, then execute your plans. God is watching us all!

If you must know, Christianity in Nigeria is in a very critical moment: a moment of trial, worse off than it has ever been. We do not only need prayer, we need to swing into action. If the government now thinks it is a crime for someone to say the truth, then truly we are doomed. Issues like this always make justify the great Nnamdi Kanu’s assertion, that this contraption called Nigeria is truly nothing save a zoo.

As for she that has allowed herself to be used as a tool by the devil, as well as the man called Festus Kayemo, I can only pray God’s forgiveness for them. But may they not forget this in a hurry “…be not deceived, God is not mocked; whatever a man soweth, the same shall he reap”.

And of course we know, that the word of God is yes and Amen! It is not just about taking money from some blood thirsty vampires just to tarnish the image of God’s servant, I hope she is as well ready for her reward.

She may say whatever she wishes about Apostle Suleiman; her false allegations cannot for even a second, make be doubt the man of God or even tempt me into saying an iota of malicious word against him.

Jesus is Lord forever!
God bless Johnson Suleiman
God bless Christianity.

OPINION: APOSTLE JOHNSON SULEIMAN VS STEPHANIE OTOBO Reviewed by sirealsilver on March 11, 2017 Rating: 5  By Joshua Osung Let men start by saying that it is only a complete fool that will believe the cock and bull, half cooked and usele...

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