Akwa Ibom: Ebughu-Udesi Road And The Bridge Between - Sirealsilver

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Akwa Ibom: Ebughu-Udesi Road And The Bridge Between

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Read post shared by Marshal Abia..

This is the shadow of the remains of the bridge that links Ebughu and Udesi.
 Mbo Local was created in 1989 out of the present Oron Local Government Area. Since its creation, the Government of Akwa Ibom State has not constructed any single road in this part of the start. 

From the picture, it needs no further explanation than the urgent attention of Government of Akwa Ibom State through the Ministry of Works to rescue this situation before the people of Udesi are being put in extinction.

Where our leaders fail to press on the Government in power to attract the dividends of democracy for the comfort of my people, I will not fail to speak out.

The needs of the people MUST always be number one priority on the scale of preference of the government. Udesi people can no longer access this road hence, they resort to passing through Oruko in Urue Offong Oruko Local Government which road is as bad as the one shown. This is pretty impassable..... My people are really suffering!
Road brings development and where there is no road, definitely there can't be any development.

Credit..Marshal Abia
Akwa Ibom: Ebughu-Udesi Road And The Bridge Between Reviewed by sirealsilver on March 28, 2017 Rating: 5 Read post shared by Marshal Abia.. This is the shadow of the remains of the bridge that links Ebughu and Udesi.  Mbo Local was cr...

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