"2019, UDOM Vs Nsima" the Unending Travail of Oro - Sirealsilver

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"2019, UDOM Vs Nsima" the Unending Travail of Oro

Image may contain: outdoor, water and nature
 Murtala way flooded

Read post and see picture after the cut shared by Joshua Osung

Image may contain: 1 person, selfie, outdoor, water and closeup
 Picture of flooded street in Oron

If I tell you that interesting things are happening in Oro Nation, do not doubt, just ask for explanation and I’ll gladly help out. 

From the political sphere, it seems to me that the governorship tickets of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and that of the All Progressives Congress (APC) have been given out as birthday presents to Deacon Udom Emmanuel and Obong Nsima Ekere respectively. 

I draw my conclusion from what I have been seeing lately: Oro Nation for Udom2019 and Onwi Onu Nsima Ekere (ONE). These are the two political groups that can back up my assertion.

Hmm…that’s a cathartic sigh. It shows that someone here is relived of constant thoughts and is anxiously awaiting the next line of action. This doesn’t intend to be a long essay, so with the simplest English grammar, I’ll make it apt and succinct.

Yesterday, I was so glad to witness the first down pour for the year 2017 in Oron Town. This shows that we are gradually transcending from the dry season to the rainy season. Rainfall is always a thing of joy because it represents blessing, but for the residents of some areas in Oron, it is a thing of constant worries. 

The pictures attached herewith are that of the sorry state of Murtala way, Oron town. Many other roads in Oron are even worse in state. 

Apart from the fact that there has been no electrical power supply to the residents of Murtala for the past four months, they are set to suffer even more this rainy season because of the sore state of the road. I do not know whether those dwelling along Murtala Way are actually citizens of this State or aliens. 

For God’s sake, how do we survive in this poor state? We all know that without a good road, business and other earns meat measures will not flourish.

Interestingly, the two governorship aspirants are the incumbent Governor of this State and the Managing Director of NDDC respectively. 

These are two individuals who are in good position of intervening in cases like this; but what do you want them to do? They are going to see this as a campaign strategy – wait till 2018 comes, and then the work begins! But by then, who knows what damages and havoc that would be wrecked as the result of the poor road and erosion? If this is just the first rainfall, one can only imagine what will happen when the rainy season finally comes in full blow.

Those, especially from Oro Nation, who are busy canvassing supports for the Governor and the NDDC boss should at least, in one of their meetings remind their principals that we are still waiting for them to do something about the poor state of roads in Oro Nation.
We shouldn’t be treated as aliens in our own State. We have the right to live a good life. Every part of this State should be in good condition. 

Developmental projects in this State should not be sectional and as well, devoid of political sentiments - our well being should not be put in any form of jeopardy because of one’s wanton definition of politics.
God bless Oro!
"2019, UDOM Vs Nsima" the Unending Travail of Oro Reviewed by sirealsilver on March 10, 2017 Rating: 5   Murtala way flooded Read post and see picture after the cut shared by Joshua Osung

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