Missing Person: 15-year old Amaka Constance Ogbugo - Sirealsilver

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Missing Person: 15-year old Amaka Constance Ogbugo

Missing Person: 15-year old?Amaka Constance Ogbugo
Amaka Constance Ogbugo, a 15-year old girl is reportedly missing.

According to her uncle, Richard Ogbugo on Twitter,  'she has been missing since Thursday 30th of November 2017 last seen by neighbors at HARUNA Ikorodu BRT terminal purchasing ticket to Island. Please if found report to nearest police station I can be reached 08063126785'.
Missing Person: 15-year old Amaka Constance Ogbugo Reviewed by sirealsilver on December 04, 2017 Rating: 5 Amaka Constance Ogbugo, a 15-year old girl is reportedly missing.

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